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Art of a wannabe

Pinkie Pie

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Dunno how to make the pics appear on the actual board....








Take note that these are not from my imagination, this is a request from mah buddy. Who happens to have a dirty mind..

By the way, she doesn't care if your male or not.



Another update...my possible avatar..if only I had something other than crayons.





First handrawn animation, I wish I would've scanned the papers correctly instead of rushing so it wouldn't be so wobbly x.x

Anyways she is saying:

So, a lot seems to have happened eh?

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very nice pics, you have talent!






you just have to click on the yallow - orange "insert image" button



Actually, it won't let me, says I am not allowed to use it on this board, could this be a consequence of posting Black Friday? :P

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It seems images are not allowed to be posted on this board, or perhaps there's a limit on the number of images you're allowed to put in one post (at least, I think Shadow Fire mentioned something like that back when he was PHPing the hell out of the forums to make it jawesome). Even I'm not allowed to post images on this subforum, somehow, so I think the latter is most likely the case. I tried moving this thread to another subforum (The Central Hub), but the same result still occurred, reinforcing that theory. So, unfortunately, I'm guessing you'll simply have to contend with URLs.


Technicalities aside, I'm a fan of your drawings. I particularly like your skill in shading, something I'm not good at to any extent. To name two favorites, your second and fifth images are particularly well-rendered and entertaining (respectfully ;)). I look forward to seeing more.

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Very nice job! :P

I like it a lot, you got some really neat skill man, run with it.

Have you done any digital colouring yet?


I've tried it before, but I am not that good at it x.x, strangely though, I used to be a spriter...but unfortunatly I don't have any of my old sprites anymore.... hmm..let me see if I can find any on some random forum...

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I've tried it before, but I am not that good at it x.x, strangely though, I used to be a spriter...but unfortunatly I don't have any of my old sprites anymore.... hmm..let me see if I can find any on some random forum...


The best way is to keep practicing, trust me when I started doing digital work, I sucked majorly. I tried out tutorials on Deviantart(which are awesome btw) and played with new features, though my recommendation, use either these three programs, SAI Easy Paint, Adobe Photoshop CSwhatever, or Corel's Paintshop Pro Photo X3.

Try using layers and play with different blending techniques, use one layer for base colouring, another layer for shading, another for highlighting, and the top layer being the lineart.

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The best way is to keep practicing, trust me when I started doing digital work, I sucked majorly. I tried out tutorials on Deviantart(which are awesome btw) and played with new features, though my recommendation, use either these three programs, SAI Easy Paint, Adobe Photoshop CSwhatever, or Corel's Paintshop Pro Photo X3.

Try using layers and play with different blending techniques, use one layer for base colouring, another layer for shading, another for highlighting, and the top layer being the lineart.



Hmm okay then, I'll give it a try one of these days, not soon since damn tests are coming x.x and I have a project due on Friday....that I haven't even started on yet...

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You did some nice work, I can't draw that well. You've bested me in every way, and it can only go uphill from here! I've been trying to attempt Mr. Nomura's drawing style, and so far, I have FAILED. I need to learn how to draw eyes, faces, and some other things better.


My favorites of your art would have to be 2 and 5 through Billie. I love how the wings turned out on 2, especially.

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You did some nice work, I can't draw that well. You've bested me in every way, and it can only go uphill from here! I've been trying to attempt Mr. Nomura's drawing style, and so far, I have FAILED. I need to learn how to draw eyes, faces, and some other things better.


My favorites of your art would have to be 2 and 5 through Billie. I love how the wings turned out on 2, especially.



Try starting with eyes to get an idea of your character, after all, eyes are windows to the soul.

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This diabolical princess lost her memories when the gods killed her parents, the Demon King and Demon Queen, and when they wiped out her memories in hopes of her restoring the apocalyptic world. She was put in a orphanage with human children in a god-protected village, but when her demonic prowess starts coming out of her when a demon manages to enter the village, she is exiled. She then goes off on a journey with a friend eventually finding out about her origins and even reclaiming her kingdom, but the princess has rivals, she eventually is faced in a war against her cousin and a rebellion. In the end she manages to defeat both, regaining her memories back, but because of her experiences, she becomes more than just the demon child of the King and Queen, she becomes the Queen of the recreated world, ruling in the name of peace.

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