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Camera Debug Saves



Has anyone documented the saved 'cutscenes' you can make with the Debug Camera?

See:  http://tcrf.net/Proto:The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time_Master_Quest

Specifically: "The Demo Control allows you to save your newly created movie to the Memory Pak plugged into the third controller."


Aside from what it says, I've found nothing else about it. Has anyone even tried to ever take the 'movie' out of the save and import it into the rom itself?

I'm going to try tinkering with it shortly, myself. I figured I might post about it as well, just in case.

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Looks like you'll need to generate the cutscene by hand, but shouldn't be too hard to hex things.


I started by downloading the N-rage v2.3c input plug-in, since it emulates a standard 8 kb mem card, and is a bit easier to find the cutscene data in.



The memory pak format seems straightforward. Blocks are 0x100 bytes long, 0-4 are reserved, making block 5 the first block (starting at 0x500)


Block 01 contain a block table that denotes what blocks are allocated using a very simplistic format. It consists of a series of 128 short values, and aside from the first 5? values, each short seems to represent one block somehow... 03 seems to denote a free block, 01 seems to denote the start of a file. I think it's used to optimize space by allowing files to be fragmented.

Block 02 appears to be a duplicate of block 01


Block 03-04 seems to contain a "file" list, where each file is 0x20 bytes long. Index 0x06 contains a short length value containing the start bank address for the file. Index 0x0C seems to contain the "name" of the cutscenes saved on the memory pak, where 0x1A = A thru 0x1E = E.


The first block in the cutscene data stores the header info for the "segments" of the cutscene, or one 01/02 cutscene command pairing as per http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Cutscenes


Each record is 0x10 bytes long, for 15 records (one line is unused)


0x00 is a char used for the segement's "name"

0x04 is probably the end pointer for the cutscene data in ram. Nothing appears at that address on PJ64

0x08 is probably the start pointer for the cutscene data in ram.

0x0C is an unknown short?

0x0E is the number of camera position/focus waypoints. An extra waypoint exists at the end of the list to simplify editing, and should be dropped when copying the data.


The following blocks simply contain the raw cutscene data. The first is the data stored in the http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Cutscenes#Camera_Focus_Points command, followed by the data stored in http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Cutscenes#Camera_Positions

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From just the few hours I worked with it, I figured most of that out myself.

Regardless, thanks for the verification, that way I know what I thought was the right idea anyway.


I didn't notice we had a complete document for cutscenes though, everyone I saw talking about made it seem like we didn't have the knowledge to make them. 

I suppose I should've looked into our documents a bit more for it before I posted..Oops.

Thank you, regardless. 

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