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Dora the Explorer song inverted

Pinkie Pie

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  • 8 months later...

this is backwards, not inverted, there is a major difference


Uhm, no. "Reversed" is a synonym of inverted, and synonyms are words that mean the exact same thing as another word.

And the song is being played in reverse. Just letting you know, because I think you should.


Also, this topic was made nine months ago, so it's a little pointless to try and correct something from so long ago. :/

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In the context of audio, inversion and reversal actually are two different things, Ganondork. Reversing audio is playing it backwards--what this is--while inverting it is effectively negating the direction of the sound waves (see Audacity for a visual example), which doesn't change the overall sound nearly as much. Also, unlike those d00ds at Glitchkill, we don't care much about necroposting.


Everything reversed and overanalyzed is extremely disturbing. Call me jaded.

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Well, see, I didn't know it was different for audio. Thank you for the explanation; I love learning new things. :)


Also, I know we don't care about necroposting. I was merely saying it's pointless to correct something from nine months ago, as in, it will either go unnoticed or the person who made the mistake that long ago would have learned better by now. Understandable, right?

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