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Need assistance with a peculiar waterbox issue



Hi All,


I am looking at a specific issue that I cannot narrow down. It has to do with the waterbox inside the Karariko well as a child. The actor is unedited and I have confirmed that the collisions for the well arent modified.


When you jump in as a child, the water doesn't catch you, it lets you fall through and takes you to the well (which is kind of a problem). I am open to any suggestions. I have modified the room and scene but never touched the collision of the well or the waterbox actor (to my knowledge).


Here is a video of the phenomenon:



Any ideas or advice would be REALLY appreciated!


Thanks in advance!

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By exit polygon I mean a collision polygon with a surface type that triggers an exit when Link passes over it. If I recall correctly, you can be as high as 1000 units above one of these polygons and still trigger the exit, provided that there isn't a solid surface in between Link and the poly.


That's just what it looks to me though, I could be wrong (but it would be a lot easier to fix if I was right).

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I did change the exit variable (where it takes you) but nothing else. Plus the exit value at the bottom of the well ISNT the bottom of the well dungeon but somewhere totally different. If you jump in with no water, then you are taken to the other place (its a secret). So basically if I remove that water actor, I drop down and go to the intended exit (which is not the well dungeon) but with the water actor there, it takes you to the well dungeon.


Does that make sense?

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Now I'm a little more confused.


When you jump into the well without the water actor, are you suppose to touch an exit immediately, or is the exit suppose to behave like it does normally (where you drop down to the bottom, then walk through a small opening into the exit)?


When you say you "I did change the exit variable", do you mean you modified the exit list referenced by the 0x06 header command in the scene file, or did you modify the entrance table?

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The water is supposed to stop you from reaching to bottom (the exit) collision but as you can see, Link falls through the water as if it wasnt there.


I simply changed the pointer that the collision has to the exit itself (scene file). So for instance, It was something like 0098 (well child, day)  and I changed it to take you somewhere else: (0024 Room 119). The issue seems to be that the water isnt making Link float. I have verified that the water actor has the proper values/group as a clean copy of the ROM.


When you jump into the water, the water is supposed to stop you from touching the exit (because you have to come back later and play the song of storms to make the water go away).


If it is helpful, here are the Spot_01 scene and map files


Any insight you can give would be appreciated. Otherwise I will have to scrap all of Kakariko and start from scratch.

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I don't think you'll be able to get jumping into the well -> fall into a new area to work the way you want without using some sort of trick. You either need to stick something solid over the exit so that Link won't trigger it before you're suppose to enter it, or make the well deeper. 


As for entering the well, I checked some of your exits and you still have exit 0098 set in some places (the child/day scene setup for example), instead of 0024. 

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I just want to confirm something here. Do you want to change where the EXISTING exit at the bottom takes you, or change it so that the surface IN FRONT of the exit takes you somewhere? Because if it's the former, then you shouldn't be getting exited from the map when you just jump into the well.

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Its the water actor itself that sends you to the well, not the collision at the bottom. That doesnt fix my problem but it was an observation I had.


It is actually causing 2 problems:


1) You can jump in the well before you should be able to


2) Once you leave the well, that same water is bringing you back into the well creating a loop


For problem 2, I came up with a more simplistic solution. Since it would be very difficult to modify the actor and/or change its position throughout the scene (for various reasons) I just decided to leave the water as it is required anyway. I simply moved Link's spawn point from leaving the Well to Kakariko outside of the well and away from the well itself therefore eliminating the loop and keeping the water as it sits.


For problem 1: As far as going in the well too early, I will find a creative solution for that (like boulders or something)

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I wanted to say that this issue is resolved. I simply changed the graphics and collision to be a bit smaller for the well and placed a boulder on top of it in the appropriate scenes. I also moved links spawn actor from exiting the bottom of the well to outside of the well.

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