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The annual "first Sunday of the month flea market" haul:


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  • Sega Saturn 3D Controller - 5€
  • Sega Mega Drive 6-Button Controller - 5€
...and not gaming-related: Mel Brooks' Spaceballs (DVD) - 5€


Both controllers are in rather rough shape, with many scratches and such - especially the 6-Button's backside! -, but I guess some good cleaning will make them far more presentable again. And really, for that price I don't really care about the looks all that much, as long as they work... although I haven't actually tried the 6-Button one yet (no MD hooked up right now). The Saturn controller does work perfectly, tho - played some Nights with it, and it was good :D


Oh, and fun fact: the 6-Button controller is an American Genesis one, according to Sega Retro, as Japanese Start buttons are blue and PAL ones red.


Also gonna comb the desert later on :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked up something that I should technically already have... but appear to have lost the cartridge of somehow somewhere:


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Etrian Odyssey for the DS. My exising box on top, the box of the used copy I got below, the cartridge... well, in the DS.


(Why the used box has a "Ready for Hotspot" sticker on it, I do not know. Guess someone took ex. a MKDS box and used it for EO...)

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A partially disappointing flea market haul:


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  • The Super Shinobi (JPN, Mega Drive, no manual)
  • Ys: The Vanished Omens (PAL, Master System, complete)
  • Pro Action Replay 2.5 (Mega Drive, loose)
  • Legend of the Mystical Ninja (PAL, SNES, loose)
Now the problems: Super Shinobi doesn't have a manual, the box and cartridge are in really rough shape, the cartridge even has some broken plastic near the connector. Also, the Action Replay doesn't run any games, period. I tried Super Shinobi, Sonic 2 and some other random game, but none of them boot - the menu works normally, but trying to start any game results in a black screen.


On the plus side, Goemon (or Mystical Ninja, that is) works fine and was relatively cheap - around half of the cheapest eBay price -, while Ys was even cheaper, although I haven't tried it yet; still need to get the Master System out for that and yup, works fine too. In addition, there's not a single one of those Ys located in Germany on eBay right now, only some from the US, UK and France, and the cheapest one there (from the US) is still over four times as expensive as the one I got.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got an early jump on the latest Humble Indie Bundle and snagged a bunch of games for $5.50, including:

  • Rochard
  • Shatter
  • S.P.A.Z.
  • Torchlight
  • Vessel
  • Dustforce
  • Gratuitous Space Battles
  • Jamestown
  • Wizorb

So far I've only busted open Torchlight and managed to beat it after a few days--the final boss is a real douche, though, as he takes so long to kill. More of a battle of attrition than anything requiring true skill. Still, I found the game pretty enjoyable overall.

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Used, no box, etc., only the system, cradle and power supply, but what I do have of it is in great condition - the photo really doesn't do it justice:


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<3! Buying this off a friend for 4x 25€, so for a total of 100€/USD 129. Gave him the first 25€ today, so tomorrow I'll need to take inventory and see what games I could try selling to get at least MK7... I could get it without selling anything, but this is a good opportunity to clean out stuff I haven't played in years, mainly on PSP and X360.

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No pictures as of yet, but I recently got myself a Turtle Beach X42 Headset for my Xbox 360.


Also, and Zeth was the first to hear about this, I got my 3DS XL yesterday. I purchased the US version, as my regular 3DS was NTSC-U, and System Transfer won't work between regions. Plus, I have two US games for it anyway, as well as Ambassador games which there was no way in hell I'd lose, especially The Minish Cap, since it is hands-down, my favourite Zelda title.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly a game or anything, but I mostly use these for gaming these days, so...


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A Sony FD Trinitron KV-21FX30E (21" / ca. 55 cm diagonal) flat-screen CRT television, with manual and remote... for free! It has apparently just been standing around, taking up space for several years, and was supposed to be thrown away, so I gladly took it in :) Two SCART inputs (RGB and S-video capable), front composite RCA/cinch input, RCA/cinch stereo sound output; supports several kinds of PAL and NTSC video standards.


RGB signals look really nice on this thing, image is quite sharp. Not to mention, I can finally play my Famicom clone with colors!


Still need to give the thing a good cleaning, tho - the case is pretty dusty, the remote is rather dirty as well...

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Well, I bought a lot of PS2 games a while back, plus the most recent Wii game I got was Skyward Sword...


As for PS2:

- Grandia III

- Legend of Spyro - A New Beginning

- Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2


DDRX2 was a hot hard-to-find game, there was only 1 store that had it, and it was a bargain too!


@xdaniel: pretty nice setup really.

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