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Creating cutscenes



I know this may sound like a dumb thing to ask but how exactly were cutscenes made in oot?And how could we do so ourselves i know it hasnt been done but where do we begin?Has any cracked anything about doing that before?I would really like too see if this is possible? I would like to create a cutscene with zelda and link kissing lol.

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Didn't the Debug Camera allow the recording of cutscenes and saving them to a Controller Pak somehow? If so, I guess looking at the data the game saves there would be an idea.


Were talking using actual tools.outside the rom.perhaps since cutscenes are actors in a way we could it be hardcoded there and replaced?hey xdaniel maybe you and i could take a look there?like maybe the format is a pointer to this data in the actor.like if a certain section said 05B006 in the actor for the scene for that number would be the offset where the cutscene data is and could be replaced.And that replacement cutscene data could be made using a converter after making it with some tool.then therefor inserting it.if im wrong a tool for making cutscenes and replacing the cutscene data hardcoded could be provided.
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Well, d'oh. But before we can even code a tool, we have to figure out how cutscenes work in the first place, don't we? Don't think they've been explored all that much yet. That's why I mentioned looking at what the Debug Camera's cutscene functionality produces, because we know where that data will be written to (Controller Pak, which isn't exactly big), because we can create a very simple cutscene and look through that data, instead of having to deal with the load of information something like the intro cutscene surely contains, etc.


That said, I probably won't be messing around with this anytime soon, because I've got more than enough work to do with Sayaka, SharpBoy, not to mention the dreaded "real life", etc.

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Well, d'oh. But before we can even code a tool, we have to figure out how cutscenes work in the first place, don't we? Don't think they've been explored all that much yet. That's why I mentioned looking at what the Debug Camera's cutscene functionality produces, because we know where that data will be written to (Controller Pak, which isn't exactly big), because we can create a very simple cutscene and look through that data, instead of having to deal with the load of information something like the intro cutscene surely contains, etc.


That said, I probably won't be messing around with this anytime soon, because I've got more than enough work to do with Sayaka, SharpBoy, not to mention the dreaded "real life", etc.


just where is exactly is the debug rom cam stored at in rom?Im not so good at finding fuctions.perhaps it can be redirected?
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The Camera Debugger is controlled using the third controller. Press Start to enable it. It has three different modes, you can switch between them using the Z button.


No need to hack the ROM or anything, just plug in a third controller and press Start there to activate it. More of the controls, etc. are explained on that page - you'll want the Demo Camera Tool and Demo Control.

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The Camera Debugger is controlled using the third controller. Press Start to enable it. It has three different modes, you can switch between them using the Z button.


No need to hack the ROM or anything, just plug in a third controller and press Start there to activate it. More of the controls, etc. are explained on that page - you'll want the Demo Camera Tool and Demo Control.


i dont want to know how to turn it on i want to know what file its listed in.Perhaps i can make a super camera or something ive always wanted a split screen for example like i would use with the multiplayer hack.But really where would i find it i was hoping i could redirect where it was saved.But i do save it will a file be generated on the computer or what?or will i have to somehow dig through a memeory pack?
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The saved cutscene data will be wherever your emulator's controller plugin will save Controller Pak data to. No idea about the layout of such a Controller Pak image, although there should be identifiers of some kind - otherwise the games wouldn't know what's what, either. As for where the Debug Camera's code is inside the ROM - if that's what you're asking - it's probably inside the code file.


Also, no offense or anything intended, but at times it's really freaking hard to understand your writing, no wonder I don't get what you're trying to say sometimes.

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^^ I don't know why, Salvage, but that reply made me LOL so fucking hard at its short simplicity. Am I an idiot for finding such random things funny? Maybe so, but it sure makes my life a hell of a lot brighter at times.


As for cutscene data creation, xdaniel, you said it saves the created cutscene to the savefile? Isn't there documentation on savedata pertaining to mempacks on the wiki?

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