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yongest member of the GCN


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Guest freyageorgia

Hrm. Thirteen. Will be Fourteen next year in July. Hard to believe it's been that long.


I'm 16 in January, and I think when I made my first account for this site I was 12 or 13. I agree, it really is hard to believe how long it's been. At least you've contributed a lot to this site while you've been here, I've just been lurking for four years
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  • 2 months later...

i cant believe the age of most people. this is the most technical forum i visit, at least in the way of how complicated hacking and modding games can be. i honestly expected most to be late 20's. as for myself i'm 21 and i dont know half of what these "kids" know. props to all the young uns, wish id found this site earlier, maybe id know a lot more than i do now.

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