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Light Temple custom map


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Thanks to spinout's converter, I made several rooms for the Light Temple.


I'm still learning this, and I'm afraid to mess with the rooms in a hex editor because I don't know the addresses of everything, and I'm not very good at looking at a debugger and trying to decipher what is happening. So all of this is basic, no actors or doors (although there is spaces where the doors should go).



Images of the rooms:


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I think that it doesn't look very good with those textures...


The Triforce!

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UPDATE: New images


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A room off to the side, possible thanks to a doorway I added to the first room. I want to put a chest in the upper part.


UPDATE 2: Another image

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I really like the design of the first room, put some sexy textures on it and your good to go!


It's actually a (kinda) remake of the first room of the Temple of Time dungeon from Twilight Princess. I thought it would be kinda cool to have a little throwback to that dungeon (which I actually believe IS the Light Temple).


Don't worry though, the rest of the dungeon (except for maybe that Triforce room) will be original :P


Do you have any suggestions for the textures of the room?

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I really like what you're doing here :P It makes me think back to my attempt at making the light temple... *opens map up on Google SketchUp*


If you need help with this, I would be happy to lend you a hand!


Aww thanks!


Hmm... I wonder what your version looks like...

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What program did you use to make this? Most people here tend to use Google SketchUp since it's a free program, but most casual users don't know how to utilize projected textures or specific polygon mapping, yet it looks like you've done a great job with texture mapping, so I'm tempted to guess you're using 3DS Max. Either way, it's a very nice set of renders you have, and I look forward to seeing this project developed. :D

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It's actually a (kinda) remake of the first room of the Temple of Time dungeon from Twilight Princess. I thought it would be kinda cool to have a little throwback to that dungeon (which I actually believe IS the Light Temple).


Don't worry though, the rest of the dungeon (except for maybe that Triforce room) will be original :P


Do you have any suggestions for the textures of the room?


I noticed how it was driven from the Temple of Time. I actually do have suggestions for the textures, just use temple of time textures from any hi-res texture pack. Or just use them straight from the game.
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What program did you use to make this? Most people here tend to use Google SketchUp since it's a free program, but most casual users don't know how to utilize projected textures or specific polygon mapping, yet it looks like you've done a great job with texture mapping, so I'm tempted to guess you're using 3DS Max. Either way, it's a very nice set of renders you have, and I look forward to seeing this project developed. :P


Actually I used Lightwave and a converter (Poseray converter).


I need to learn how to make doors and loading points though.


Are there any complete texture dumps of Ocarina of Time, which includes unused textures?

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For a reference, Kargaroc, doors in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are 100 units tall and 60 units wide. What you'll want to do for doors is set up an alternate collision file which will have the doorway, and have an invisible wall in the center of that doorway where the actual door transition actor will be--this is because doors themselves do not have any collision data, and Link will pass right through them. Also, make sure when you're building this dungeon to group rooms together in some way so you can export them easily, otherwise you'll have a hell of a time selecting only one room at a time to export.


I'm not aware of any complete texture dumps from Ocarina of Time at the moment, but most texture packs are free to use by the public for whatever purposes and have some really nice textures available. I've kicked around the idea of doing that complete dump, however, so if enough people want it, I'll consider making the attempt (though I've been having problems with texture dumping a lot lately, so I may be unable to).

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