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MegaMan Legends 3

Zeth Ryder

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Thought I would share some of my finding with it! Megaman Legends 3 is the latest installment in the series, they have done some really neat improvements to the gameplay without straying too much from the original feel the game had with gameplay. Apparently there is 3 teams/families that take place in this game. One of them including another Megaman, Megaman Barret, which is playable and from the very short teasers that's been shown, you can ride vehicles, run up buildings and do things that have never been done before in the games. I hope you enjoy the new character illustrations and the few screenshots! I can't wait for this to come out for the Nintendo 3DS!




Megaman 3 Legends will kicked off a prototype as soon as the launch of the eshop! So enjoy the videos and screenshots and prepare for some awesomeness! :D

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When it comes to Legends, I have only played some of Mega Man 64 - that is the first Legends' inferior N64 version - but I'm somehow still really excited for part 3. Really, when I first watched the gameplay footage we got a few days ago, I wanted to play that game right there on the spot. And also, once I get a 3DS and the Legend 3 Prototype Version is available on the eShop (crossing my fingers for a European release of that), it's going to be my first download for the machine - excluding firmware updates or whatever, that is.


Oh, right: Akemi Kanda, Aero's Japanese VA, ftw! (Chikako "Aa-san" Awara ftw <3)

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