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Describe your dream hack/mod


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The title says it all describe the hack youve always wanted.I would just die hands down die for a play as princess ruto.Flotonic tried but failed there but i intend to pick up where he left off probrably in an import.That and Driving a car in oot. :P

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Well, probably more new dungeons in the style of the A+B/A+C betas, and maybe a Kargaroc as an enemy in OoT :P


Speaking of Kargarocs, one of the hacks I had envisioned was a complete removal of them from Wind Waker, so I could actually play the game without being distracted :P

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Zombie texture pack? I want this... and I want it now! >:V


WAIT UNTIL ITS DONE WAPPOWW! :P Also back on topic heres something ive wanted and so has a friend Play as twilight link!No one has done that at all i bet one rep nobody will be able to import the head over links.
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Though it's a good idea, would it not look out of place with the rest of the game?


Dude ive imported some twilight stuff check it out on my youtube acount "TheSalvage66".Ive nearly done wolflink over the wolfos.But the face count was preety high.
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I already told you, original zelda in Ocarina of Time will never come to be... *sniff*

Er... I'm pretty sure either JSA or Cendamos already remade the Zelda 1 dungeon for Ocarina of Time. It was a bit hamhanded, but functional. There was a patch somewhere out on the internet, but I have no idea where it is or if it's still available.

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