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Describe your dream hack/mod


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Making a Zelda 1 remake using OOT's engine wouldn't be that difficult. What would be even better would be a re-imagining that doesn't follow the exact 'shape' of the original, and fills it out to suit OOT's engine.


..Oh someone make it happen!


It shouldn't be difficult right? Just take away the cutscenes, make Link start off right in front of the entrance of Kokiri Village from Hyrule field, and instead of in there being the village there is some cave-like room with the old man from Kakariko Village is in there standing a couple feet in front of the treasure chest containing the Kokiri sword, make him say: Link, it's dangerous to go alone! Take this! Then I'm guessing it won't be hard to just modify the adult Link dungeons so that young Link can go through them, and maybe even pop in the old man in there once in a while just like the original Zelda, like in a modified Fire Temple there could be Dodongos and the old man could suddenly appear in one room and say one of the most classic quotes of gaming:


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Off topic alert! :)

Back on topic:I just thought of something super link!dun dun da daaaaaaaaaaa!Lol give link a cape and give him death by fan!

Actually, no, that's not really off-topic; what they were describing still follows along with describing, as the thread states, one's "dream mod." Please leave it to the staff and administration to identify off-topic posts instead of taking it into your own hands; that's what the report button is for.


I would love to see spinout rig that octopus he made with collision. Custom actors = <3

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