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Instrument set format


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So yesterday I found a table right before the sequence pointer table that I somehow overlooked before, so I went ahead and started looking at a few entries in Audiobank and came up with some documentation.

It's far from complete but it's enough for me to be able to customise instrument sets and probably make my own. It's most likely not going to be useful to anyone who doesn't want to make a serious music hack though. :P

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YES! This confirms my theory to be right that instrument sets can be edited to become custom instruments, allowing us to coordinate correct music for each area if an instrument is needed for the new music being ported! This is a very -excellent- find Death Basket!


Now here comes my question since we can move the Audio files around, would it be possible to port over MM's instrument set and tack it on to the OOT one? Giving us a bigger variety of instruments! I know with Fkualol ported MM's instruments over and there was no problem running them at all, so we know OOT is capable of using them.

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The format of Audiotable needs to be found to actually add other instruments/sound effects into the game, or at least something that tells us the locations of each sample within it so that we could look into moving/replacing samples. Until then, we can't have OoT/MM instruments at the same time.

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You guys need to start watching my videos or I need to start posting my work here... lol


What I'm doing in my mod is taking Majora's Masks instrument sets/sounds, and putting them in OoT, if it's necessary. As of now I'm taking a short break on the mod, and am going to replace Navi's sounds with Tatl's, because I noticed this thread on the forums.

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You guys need to start watching my videos or I need to start posting my work here... lol

-removed video-

What I'm doing in my mod is taking Majora's Masks instrument sets/sounds, and putting them in OoT, if it's necessary. As of now I'm taking a short break on the mod, and am going to replace Navi's sounds with Tatl's, because I noticed this thread on the forums.


I was actually wanting to port over Tael's soundeffects not Tatl's :3

Tael has a bit of a lower chime then Tatl's.

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You guys need to start watching my videos or I need to start posting my work here... lol


What I'm doing in my mod is taking Majora's Masks instrument sets/sounds, and putting them in OoT, if it's necessary. As of now I'm taking a short break on the mod, and am going to replace Navi's sounds with Tatl's, because I noticed this thread on the forums.


Okay, I didn't see that before but can you explain a little about how it's done? If not, could you at least point us in the right direction?

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This here is the instrument set that the Woodfall temple uses, instrument set 20 (0x14), in Majora's Mask. Download


Posted Image


Now, I have never done any sound hacking before, aside from swapping audio sequences, but I'll do my best explaining this. What's highlighted in black and green are pointers to what I'll call the sound channels (I have no idea what else to call it). Every 8 bytes here are pointers to the instrument information, which I have highlighted in black and white, and what I've highlighted in red and black is the size and location of the sounds in the audio bank.


The format pretty much goes xxyyyyyy zzzzzzzz where xx is... I don't know, yy is the size of the sound, and zz is the location of the sound in the audio bank.


So what I did in that video of mine is I extracted the sounds from Majora's Mask, added it to the audio bank, and re-pointed the locations in the instrument set.


I was actually wanting to port over Tael's soundeffects not Tatl's :3

Tael has a bit of a lower chime then Tatl's.


Oh sorry. >_< I misread what you said. Also, I can't seem to find Tatl's sounds... I don't know why either.
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Have you tried using the audio debugger in MM's debug to help locate the sounds actually? I believe Sakura89 did that to find Navi's.


I was able to find Navi's sounds that way too, but for some reason I can't find Tatl's... :s
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This here is the instrument set that the Woodfall temple uses, instrument set 20 (0x14), in Majora's Mask. Download




Now, I have never done any sound hacking before, aside from swapping audio sequences, but I'll do my best explaining this. What's highlighted in black and green are pointers to what I'll call the sound channels (I have no idea what else to call it). Every 8 bytes here are pointers to the instrument information, which I have highlighted in black and white, and what I've highlighted in red and black is the size and location of the sounds in the audio bank.


The format pretty much goes xxyyyyyy zzzzzzzz where xx is... I don't know, yy is the size of the sound, and zz is the location of the sound in the audio bank.


So what I did in that video of mine is I extracted the sounds from Majora's Mask, added it to the audio bank, and re-pointed the locations in the instrument set.


Thanks! I had a feeling that's what those numbers were used for because I noticed that changing them changed the sample but I never got time to check it out properly.

If anyone knows anything about the sample format that was used for this game then we may even be able to start looking into custom sound effects soon.

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Thanks! I had a feeling that's what those numbers were used for because I noticed that changing them changed the sample but I never got time to check it out properly.

If anyone knows anything about the sample format that was used for this game then we may even be able to start looking into custom sound effects soon.


Wasn't it a low quality Wav format? At one point someone on ZSO took the audio table and turned it into a wave file, even though there was a shit ton of static, you could hear some of the sound effects from the game as well as like Link's voice and what not.
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It's probably similar to what's used on the DS, which is essentially a low quality wav file, yes. There are programs to convert wav files to use for sound effects for games like NSMB, it might be worth it to look into whether the same format will work here.

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