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Dinosaur Planet 64

Zeth Ryder

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Man that is really much, i only don't understand why they never released games with about 500MB. So it was possible to forget the 64 DD... Maybe they thought so, but they really wanted to release the gamecube^^

But Starfox Adventures is a lot better than this 64 Version, i think

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Remember, MB in the context of older consoles often means Megabit, like in this case, so Dinosaur Planet was "only" a 512MBit or 64MB game. Double that of ex. OoT and MM, and the same as the Debug ROMs, Resident Evil 2, I think Pokemon Stadium G/S, and maybe one or two others. I don't think the N64 can even address 512 Megabytes of memory...


And yeah, as for Dinosaur Planet, that was the last great N64 game I was looking forward to back in the day. I even had a poster of it, featuring some of the game's concept art. However, when I actually played Star Fox Adventures several years later, I didn't end up thinking so highly of it. It was kinda underwhelming in gameplay, graphics... I though of that game as a competent yet boring Zelda clone, to be honest.


In short: I believe Dinosaur Planet had the potential to be a wonderful swansong to the N64, but being moved to a different platform during development, and getting a license shoehorned in didn't do it anything good.

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Well some stuff was taken out and what not. I think being changed to focus around Starfox kind of ruined it a bit, but at the same time I did like the game too. I think it would of been an amazing game had it been released for the N64. I still wish someone would dump a rom and release it to the public like they did with starfox 2.

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I love you.


Now we just need to find the real game! D:


@Xdan - It may of been 512MB not MiB cause from what was being said, the game had a ton of voice acting and visuals not in normal N64 games. That alone takes up a lot of space in a cartridge. Not to mention the worlds seem to use some big textures the N64 didn't normally use.

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Not trying to argue or anything, but besides having heard 512 Megabit thrown around when it was still in development (and still hearing it today long after the fact), all that data can be compressed pretty well. Conker's Bad Fur Day, another 512 MBit game I had forgotten about, is chock-full of voice acting, and Resident Evil 2 even had FMV cutscenes together with voice acting, I just don't know if it had all cutscenes from the PSX version. Of course, the one undeniable evidence for either would be getting a ROM of the game :P


@Xdan - It may of been 512MB not MiB cause from what was being said, the game had a ton of voice acting and visuals not in normal N64 games. That alone takes up a lot of space in a cartridge. Not to mention the worlds seem to use some big textures the N64 didn't normally use.


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Not trying to argue or anything, but besides having heard 512 Megabit thrown around when it was still in development (and still hearing it today long after the fact), all that data can be compressed pretty well. Conker's Bad Fur Day, another 512 MBit game I had forgotten about, is chock-full of voice acting, and Resident Evil 2 even had FMV cutscenes together with voice acting, I just don't know if it had all cutscenes from the PSX version. Of course, the one undeniable evidence for either would be getting a ROM of the game :P


Ah yes I forgot about those games, well then, its very possible it might of been 512Megabit. We seriously need a rom of this game >.>
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I'm checking with one of my contacts from RARE to gather information about the game a bit more. Hoping to hear something soon.


If you somehow find this rom I will love you forever. I will pass down stories of your greatness to my children, and they will pass it down to their children... and so on and so forth.
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i know that isn´t the right question for this topic but ... what was the name of fox´s little dino in starfox adventures????

lol i pretty much liked him :P


ps. and for dinosaur-planet-64.

its good that it wasn´r released.

if it was released starfox adventures wont come out.


oh god ,my english is creepy D:

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i know that isn´t the right question for this topic but ... what was the name of fox´s little dino in starfox adventures????

lol i pretty much liked him :P


ps. and for dinosaur-planet-64.

its good that it wasn´r released.

if it was released starfox adventures wont come out.


oh god ,my english is creepy D:


I don't know the answer to your question, but I'll google it for you if you can't do it yourself... or if you are too lazy to do it yourself, I really don't care.

EDIT: His name is Prince Tricky, I couldn't bare the temptation to google it.

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Actually a quote from Nintendo Power:


Rare gets Jurrasic with the action in its out-of-the-woodwork surprise offering, Dinosaur Planet. Gamers will be able to control Sabre or Krystal, who occasionally will be accompanied by dino sidekicks, Kyte and Tricky. Dinosaur Planet is packed with hours of spoken dialogue, over 50 characters, situation-based controls and dynamic weather, lighting and shadowing, so who knows? It just may be the best thing to come along since fire.

Also some more info:


One of Rare's most ambitious projects to date, Dinosaur Planet has now reached its final year of development and we're understandably excited about unveiling it to the world at large. It's a truly epic game following the exploits of two new heroes, Sabre and Krystal, as they find themselves embarking on a journey that will lead them from their native world to the far-off Dinosaur Planet itself, where they'll join the battle against an ancient evil bearing power enough to destroy the entire universe. And from the breathtaking airborne galleon raid that forms the opening sequence right through to the thunderous final showdown, the cinematic pace and intensity of their adventure doesn't let up for a second...


One of the lovely SharpClaws A game for all ages, Dinosaur Planet weaves a timeless tale that will draw young and old alike into its stunning landscapes and the interlinked dealings of its characters, blessed as they are with extensive facial animations and hours of speech. Ranking highly among these 50 or more characters are pesky dinosaur sidekicks Tricky and Kyte, one a CloudRunner Princess, the other an Earthwalker Prince: these two take an active role in the adventure alongside their respective partners, opening up a whole new set of commands vital to continued success. They can dig holes, uncover secrets, retrieve objects, distract enemies, even play games - just make sure you keep them well-fed or you'll never hear the last of it!


Exotic locations such as Warlock Mountain, Swapstone Hollow and Discovery Falls hold their own clues and subquests, and between them Sabre and Krystal will visit all of these places and many more during the course of their parallel (but entirely separate) adventures through Dinosaur Planet's seamless game world. The intuitive situation-based control system makes light work of everything from frantic battle scenes to puzzle-solving and exploration, allowing easy access to the range of magic spells, collectable items and sidekick commands. Throw in a real-time environment complete with day/night system and weather conditions, some truly nefarious enemies to hunt down (including a number of colossal boss encounters) and a stirring, evocative soundtrack to draw you deep into the game's many mysteries, and you have one of the N64's major milestones and a gaming event that you certainly won't forget in a hurry.

Sabre's Backstory:

A twenty-year-old warrior and son of the great wizard Randorn. When Sabre's older brother was killed on the battlefield, his father was grief-stricken and disappeared without a word into the wilderness. Now, after many years of torment, Sabre is determined to track him down.

Krystals Backstory:

Orphaned at the age of six, Krystal found herself adopted by the wandering Randorn and has accompanied him in his travels for ten long years. But now, with the discovery of an ancient temple, a new chapter of their lives - and Sabre's, too - is about to begin.

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