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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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Hey..uhm Fierce Deity, could I possibly have my body back now?


*sigh* I suppose so. *Grabs face and pulls away the mask, which sucks his spirit back into it and returns Oni to normal*


Man, that felt weird for a second.


Just remember, if you put the mask back on again, I can take control of your body.

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If I could remember well, Majora sealed away the spirits of other warriors into masks just like me.


Okay, just as long as I don't have to try any of them on.


Just then, the group hears a frightening noise. It's a low pitch moan that grows louder and louder.


What is that thing?

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I'd be more than happy to!


Should we head back to the library? We shouldn't linger here for long, someone may come across-


Footsteps are heard from the beginning of the passage.


Great, two things that might be dangerous. Ganon could be coming down here, and in this place, he wouldn't have to stop.


Well, I'm off to enjoy my freedom! See ya later! -runs off towards the entrance-

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A terrifying monster comes out of the darkness. It is human shaped with a ghastly face and dark brown skin. It stares at Vio and lets out a horrendous scream that freezes him in his place.


Redead! Oni, put me back on.


Okay *puts on mask and immediately turns back into Fierce Deity*


Everyone cover your ears, their screams can petrify even the strongest of hearts. *Swings his sword at the Redead, which automatically disentigrates*

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-walks out of the passage and takes a deep breath- That was rather interesting. Let's hope we don't have to deal with another one of those. They might not be too strong for Fierce Deity, but they're creepy as hell.


-jumps over a bookshelf and lands in front of Vio and Oni- Glad you made it out! What happened in there?

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-trips Zant and Ganon and smiles mischeviously- Oooooooops.


Tch... And Oni... use it ONLY in situations like what happened back there. And I think we should let Dark handle this. He seems.. rather adept at this. Besides, if we get in trouble, we're bound to be suspended.

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-laughs and kicks Zant in the face- Haha! Can't beat shadow!


-smiles- You got that right, Fierce Deity.



If any of you remember the man that looked like Link in the Majora's Mask Side Story, in the MM manga, I've been thinking he should be the music teacher or something. I came up with "Rizumu" as his name, which means rhythm in Japanese. Or that's what the translator says, anyway. What're your opinions?
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All right. He'll also teach about the History of Majora, since he technically made the mask. And yeah, Link'll be using an Ocarina.


-walks over to Vio and Oni- That was great! I haven't had fun like this in a long time!


Hah, yeah. Glad to have you on our side, Dark!

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Yeah. He takes a great interest in finding secrets and the like. He's also quite good with a sword. He's been able to beat anyone he spars with, with the exception of me.


Ohhhhhhhhhh, so we're at a school. 'Scuse me for a bit, I can't take how boring schools are. -walks out of the library-



And with this, I must say good night. I'll be on tomorrow, of course.
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*They hear a shreak in the hallway. Running to where they heard it, they see Ilia running from a Poe, and Link also joins the scene. Zelda suddenly gets in between the two, and a barrier of light surrounds her. The Poe gets damaged, but laughs and vanishes. Zelda appears to have weakened for using her powers*

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