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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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Fire Temple, that also sounds familiar. Vio, do you know anything about the Fire Temple?


*back at the castle*


Hunt them down or I will collect your head.


Y.yes..M.my lord. *walks away*


*back to Death Mountain*


I agree with him, where's the food?


Goron: Oh you need food? Here, take these *holds out a handful of rocks*


O_o You're kidding right?

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Goron: Of course we have wood! Wait here while I go get some for you.

-waits a few minutes for the Goron to return-

Dammit, where is that thing, we're in a hurry.

The Goron walks back down the mountain to where the rest of the group is while carrying a large log of wood.

Goron: Here you go! That'll be 50 rupees.

Dammit, that's all I have...

-hands a purple rupee to the Goron-


Alright, all of you stay here and build a fire out of that log, I'll be back in a bit.

-unsheathes the Gilded Sword and runs down the mountain-

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-finally reaches the bottom of the mountain and notices a group of five Tektites-

Oh, just what I was looking for.

-runs towards the Tektites and splits each into two pieces, picking up the remains and putting them into his bag-

Yes, that should be enough for all of us...

-returns to the group and notices that a fire has not yet been made-

...Where is the fire I told you to build?

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You even fail to see the faults in your own plan! Of course, pointing them out would only help.... you....

*Zelda appears to drift to sleep*


*Sheik appears with a flash of light*

You told them to build a fire? It should be a little difficult, since there are few plants. Unfortunately, Ganon now knows you're not dead, and is sending more minions on the way.

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*hits Red in the head with the bottom of his sword*


Well if it wasn't for Ganon's minions tracking us down all the time, we would've been able to stop and eat.


*rumbling stops*


I think it's over now.


*notices the logs are knocked over and the fire is destroyed* Oh no!

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