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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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-grabs Red by the shoulders and drags him back to Impa- Just let her remove those.


-returns to where the group is- He can be a real handful... Vaati! -shakes him a bit, and after a while, picks up the Four Sword again and slings it over his back- Yeah, it's the real Four Sword. Tetra, do you want to come with us? And Ganon. There's quite a bit of rubble blocking the entrance. It fell after we got out last time, and we may need some of your strength to get through it. I'll provide a reward, of course. -holds up a purple Rupee-

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-takes the sword and offers a hand to Vaati- You all right? And no need, Tetra. I got it covered. Also, Zant, since you're coming, too, and I doubt Ganon has any intention of sharing... -hands him a red Rupee- Sorry I don't have much more. And welcome back, Red. Feeling better?


-approaches the group, wondering what the commotion is- Ooooh, big group!

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