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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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Link, we should get going. We don't really have time for tea, I want to get to the library and see what books they got here.

Ah, Vio... you and your books. You always wanna learn more about legends and stuff. I just want to see if there are any secrets in this school, like at our last one.

All right, Link. Just... stay out of trouble.

Vio heads off to the library, while Link begins wandering through the hallways.

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Salvage, stereotyping people doesn't help a lot in RP's. Not all princesses love tea, and plus, this isn't OOT. This is High School. Ruto also isn't a princess in this, but a normal girl who's popular.

Vio soon finds himself in the library, and searches for the mythology section.

This book looks particularily interesting...

Vio picks up a book titled "The Hero of Time."

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The name is Vaati. I too share an interest in Hylian mythology. I have been researching the Picori Blade for several years, all through middle school actually. The only problem I have with this sort of mythology is that most of it is fact, you and I both know that. The hero of time happened to be real you know. How else would we be alive today? Our society would have collapsed to evil if it wasn't for the carriers of the Triforce of Courage. Anyways I hate history, plus I obviously know about the hero of time.


*Sets book on table.*



Also a small note: Should I change the color of my text? I can barely read it myself.

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Meanwhile, Link is walking through the quiet hallways of Nayru High School (/offtopic: What do you think of the name? Makes since being that Nayru is the Goddess of Wisdom.)He is, however, not the only kid in the hallway.


Well..Well. Looks like the new kid's lost.

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Salvage, you have just failed. Never take someone's role. I'm just going to ignore what you posted and wait for Destroyer to post his response to my last post.


-Picks up another book, this time about the Great Sea, and sits down- Can you tell me more about the Picori Blade? I haven't found many books about it.

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