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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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Yeah. I remember from some books that more monsters tend to come out at night. We'd better hurry to that village!


The night feels so good, though. Don't you guys like a break from all this light?


Well, uh... I don't know. Let's just step up our pace.

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If it's a village, it probably does.


Oh, look, a nut! -picks up a Deku Nut and attempts to pry its shell open-


D-Dark! Don't open that!


Dark succeeds in opening the Deku Nut, and the whole group is blinded by the flash of light. The only exception is Kafei, whose mask seems to have a new power.



Thought the Keaton Mask might be more useful if it had, like, an anti-bright light thing.
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Dark, that was a Deku Nut! When you break open their shells, they emit a REALLY bright flash like it did. I read that it was good at blinding things, and now I really know that it is...


The group recovers from the blinding, and the sun goes down at last.

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Hmmm... some sort of protection from light... maybe it will protect me from other elements, as well. But Dark, lets not do that again. Not the smartest thing to do when we are trying to reach shelter from the creatures of the night.

-looks across the field, noticing that a Stalchild has already risen from the ground-

Dammit, we should hurry.

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-on the ground- Ow.


-facepalms- Still not used to the light... -picks him up and slings him over his shoulder- And yeah, Kafei. I never knew that mask protects against light. Let's get into that village now, too. -walk ins-


-picks up another Deku Nut- We might need these for later. -stores it in a seemingly bottomless pocket in his tunic-

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The group enters a small village. They see several houses, a few of them set up as shops.


-gets off Vio's shoulder and lays down on the grass- Mmmmmmmm... Night...


So this is Kakario... we've set foot in a village that was a bustling city in our time.


Meanwhile, back at the school....


[insert random hyper music here]



Meet Haipa, a teacher who worries about everything, is really paranoid, and is extremely hyper all the time.


Where are those kids... They should've been back by now... something terrible may have happened... -runs around the room in circles- There's only one person here, and she's freaking me out!



Note that the color isn't in the color list. It's 503030.
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