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Zelda High School

Tell-Tale Heart

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Well, it was nice meeting the three of you, I think I'm going to check this book out and be on my way, I'll see you later, I suppose. I'll just... leave you guys to the spinning bookcase passage, there's no way I can help, too low on energy.


Oh, we should probably have an Anju... ya know, to be with Kafei and such.
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-notices the shrine- What... This is... -drops to knees- The shrine of the Four Sword...! But where's the sword...? -looks around- Gah! It's not here. We should be getting back up, though. I do want to stay, but... Well, at least I can investigate this area more later. -starts walking back up-


Vio! Wait up! -runs after Vio- Tetra! You'd better come with us!



Great job so far, everyone! This is awesome!
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