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Hi! I'm a talking door!

Guest Jozz

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Guest Jozz

Hey everyone!


My name is Josh, and I'm living in Australia.

I've been a huge Zelda fan when Ocarina of Time was out, and I was about Five or Six years old.


Since then, I've played that game for 10 years now, and I'm still playing it. I haven't played any new Zelda games on the Wii, as for some reason I feel more realistic and connected to the Ocarina of Time.


I've spent this and last year playing around in the Beta Quest worlds to see what mysteries I could find. Ever since I learnt about the 64DD and the fact that the Triforce was possible to collect in the alpha stages, I have been a freak to learn more and I used to believe the Triforce was collectable in the final game.. silly me.


Anyway, I'm 16 (turning 17 this year) and I am a Graphic & Web Designer, as well as a Web Developer.

I have my own website, PixelPack Design and I'm just freelancing.


I am so excited to see the Ura Zelda project complete! http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif

Anyway, nice to meet you all!

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Another Australian web developer... hmm, sounds like Shadow Fire has some competition. XD


Jokes aside, welcome to the GCN! If you've any questions about the forum or whatever else, feel free to ask myself or another administrator.

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