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Battlefield 3


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I loved Battlefield 2 to death. Also I am a PC gamer at heart, but Battlefield 3 would kill my PC. On the console side of things, the Battlefield creators want to perfect it on console. They specifically want to take Call of Duty down. Don't get me wrong, I love Call of Duty. Battlefield is for a totally different crowd than Call of Duty. Battlefield isn't fast paced enough to take over Call of Duty. Not to mention on consoles Battlefield runs at 30 fps and that kills the experience for many. I don't think Battlefield 3 will steal the thrown from Call of Duty but it sure will be a great game. I'm personally excited for it.

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Well being on the opposite side of the spectrum (console gamer through and through) I played both Call of Duty and Battlefield. I think the only thing that Call of Duty had over Battlefield was of course Nazi Zombies, but gameplay aside. I loved the battlefield series better since it was a more realistic experience for a war game. Call of Duty on the other hand just felt a little unrealistic and cinematic, in other words, you played through an epic war movie that looked like a Michael Bay production. Both series are awsome though. All that aside, I'm glad I decided to pre-order this.

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