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Nation of the Dead


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*sees the zombies have increased in numbers, pulls bowie knife out of zombie's head and carves a pentagram into his hand* Get out of the way.


What the fuck are you doing!?


*in a demonic voice* GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!! *slams hand on the ground and opens a portal to Hell which sucks in all of the surrounding zombies, closes portal and faints. The pentagram on his hand disappears and the skin grows back over the wound*

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-runs over to Alice, gets down on his knees and embraces her-

I... missed you, sis... I thought I had lost you... are you alright? You... weren't bitten, were you?

-wipes the tears from her eyes-

No... bu... but...

-returns the embrace and buries her face into Takashi and sobs-

I missed you so much, Takashi! I was... so alone...

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