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The Cure for Cancer


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Here's some food for thought I'd like to share with the GCN today. Humanity has been scrambling for a cure for cancer for the past god-knows-how-many decades, and that search has been going strong even over the recent years. But did it ever occur to anyone around 4 years ago to read this article?


TL;DR? The cure for cancer has been found for four years. Yes, you read that correctly. Four years. Four years of millions of people dying, of tens of millions afflicted, and billions suffering and grieving over the losses they've had.


You may be skeptical that this cure is legit. How does this magical drug work? Simple. This diagram does a pretty good job of explaining it: The reason cancer cells are different from normal cells is because the mitochondria (the structures in our cells that go through respiration and produce energy for our body to use) shut off during mitosis, the reproduction of cells. Mitochondria also facilitate the deterioration of cells, so when they are inactive, cells can't die through normal decay processes. Cancerous cells, in turn, leave the mitochondria off permanently, because they are always reproducing. They get their energy anaerobically through glycosis, which produces lactic acid and allows cancerous cells to escape through tissues and spread through the body. The tumors can also suffocate normal cells, and when those cells are deprived of oxygen, they switch off the mitochondria and use glycosis, becoming cancerous as well.


The drug in question is called dichloroacetate, and all it does is switch the mitochondria back on. This causes cells to resume normal decay, and the tumor can then be removed without worry of cancer cells remaining in the body. Best of all, the drug is relatively cheap to produce, and in small to moderate doses, has few (if any) adverse effects.


So, why isn't this thing on the market? Well, dichloroacetate is cheap because it is not patented, nor can it be. This means it is difficult for drug companies to make substantial money off of it by making their own variations of it then jacking up the price, so no one's taken the initiative to mass-produce and distribute it. That also means news companies didn't bother much to cover this incredible development, so the public remained largely unaware of this drug.


But shouldn't this be about saving lives and not about soaring profits? Oh, but wait, this is America we're talking about, where if you don't make at least a 25% profit, kick the idea into the dirt and let people suffer from a worse mass-murderer than Al Qaeda. Oh well, nice try, Canadian researchers, I guess it's back to the drawing board for you.

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Interesting. I know someone personally who found a cure. It was on her laptop, and when she left it in her car to go get groceries, her car window was broken, and the laptop was stolen. Whether or not its someone who simply stole the computer for the computer or it was someone who didn't want the cure to be released, the world may never know.

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Wow. So there IS a cure. If I ever get cancer I'm heading for Canada and getting some of that. Damn patents. If scientists WOULD let it be patented, it'd be a huge stretch. Nice find there, Naxy!

Patenting the cure is among the worst possible scenarios. This establishes an oligopoly of corporations and effectively makes the cure unobtainable except to those with hundreds of thousands of dollars to dispose of. It's because the cure is unpatented that it's easy to manufacture and obtain--except, it would be, but the corporations refuse to develop it, because they're profiteers even in the face of their customers dying. A patent will only propagate this bullshit mentality.

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Pssht, looks like I have something to develop in my basement now!


EDIT: It seems none too complex at all. Its just a carbon attached to two chlorine atoms, and that carbon chain is just connected to a simple CO2.


Chemical Sequence as such: C2H2Cl2O2

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"Patenting the cure is among the worst possible scenarios. This establishes an oligopoly of corporations and effectively makes the cure unobtainable except to those with hundreds of thousands of dollars to dispose of. It's because the cure is unpatented that it's easy to manufacture and obtain--except, it would be, but the corporations refuse to develop it, because they're profiteers even in the face of their customers dying. A patent will only propagate this bullshit mentality. "

Yeah, I was going to say, that... what is it? The Chemo therapy? Is very expensive, so health care would rather charge you for that than a cheap drug. It's always, Always, about the money.

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Pssht, looks like I have something to develop in my basement now!


EDIT: It seems none too complex at all. Its just a carbon attached to two chlorine atoms, and that carbon chain is just connected to a simple CO2.


Chemical Sequence as such: C2H2Cl2O2



Carbon, Hydrogen, Chlorine2 and Carboxylic Acid.


You don't want to confuse those, man.


You can get the Carboxylic Acid from Vinegar if you remove the Methyl. :P

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CHCl2 + COOH.Carbon, Hydrogen, Chlorine2 and Carboxylic Acid.You don't want to confuse those, man.You can get the Carboxylic Acid from Vinegar if you remove the Methyl. :P


Oops, looks like the diagram I used was misleading. Damn you, internet >.>

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I actually honestly believe the public should start homebrewing this to protest against the corporations. If they won't serve the public like they're supposed to, we should hit them where it hurts and show them who's really in charge in capitalism.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sorry, but it's not wise to go around basically threatening, SanguinettiMods. Cancer runs like crazy in my family. Almost every female in my family doesn't live to 50 because of it and I'm not complaining.


Just sayin'.

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