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Help! I can't find any OoT/MM hacking software that will run on Linux


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Python should actually be more compatible for Linux operating systems--I'm pretty sure the language was actually written for those environments specifically. So, all of spinout's Python tools should work great. Since these programs aren't working for you on Wine, I'd ask spinout what he does for that. I'm not positive, but I think he might have a dual-boot with Windows so he can use those other tools. This is why it's generally a good idea to install Linux along with Windows, so as to avoid common compatibility issues--while Linux is a fantastic and efficient OS choice, it does suffer from incompatibility with many common file formats for Windows users.

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well I know about Zappy and those, I need a program that can rip and reinsert the textures like ZLE2



**Also on the dual boot issue, that would require me too reinstall linux after (my hardrive is basically fully partitioned already :/ windows would wanna format and it would break the MBR (Master boot record) with it's own boot loader :P **

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Important update (Sorry for double post :/)


I can't even get zappy too run :P



python /home/haxxor/game_hacking/zappy.py /home/haxxor/ZELOOTMA.Z64 0 0 0


(<unknown>:6471): GdkGLExt-WARNING **: Cannot open \x90\xc3\xe8



(<unknown>:6471): GdkGLExt-WARNING **: Cannot open \xe8#\xe8



glibmm-ERROR **:

unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:

what: Unable to get extension function: glCreateProgramObjectARB even though the extension is advertised.






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First of all, get Fedora, it's the best. Second, simply install Wine. You'll encounter problems with a 'few' programs, but you'll get around it if you can get the source to whatever program you're trying to run. And yes, forget hex editors; learn MIPS and C. There isn't anything wrong with using a hex editor every now and again, but I would rather write scrips and such to modify my ROMs.

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First of all, I like ubuntu, will not change...

I have wine....

and wine has problems with a lot of programs, and the source is sually hard to find.

I am learning mips and I know C

hex editor is my prefered application for changing groups loaded, actor numbers, variables, text and so on.

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The only program I've had a hard time running with Wine is Renegade64, but RenegadeEX runs fine. That's because RenegadeEX is fully programmed in C and Renegade64 was programmed in VB6 and later VB6 with a C DLL to do the actual searching. I just dual boot with WinXP to run it and computer games.

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Yes I am about too shrink my partitions for dual booting xp.....


Since I cannot get ZLE2 to run in wine, and that is what I really need.


OZMAV2 is good, but I never got it to work properly :P


SM64toZ64 is good, and I have use for it.


But I really need ZLE2


Zsaten and DLViewer, do they ahve a function of exporting and reinserting textures?

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Don't use fedora. Use something Debian-based, such as Debian, Ubuntu, etc. Secondly, apt-get everything you can find that has to do with OpenGl. Thirdly, what Python version are you using? Newer distributions may have a higher version of python than I developed ZAPPY with, though the only advantage ZAPPY has over OZMAV2 is water box manipulation. Do you have an emulator set up, by the way?


Get used to writing scripts and programs whenever you need to get a job done. The habit will stick with you even if you go back to using Windows, and ultimately will increase your efficiency.

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First of all, I use ubuntu (10.10, downgraded by reinstall, because a)11.04 is buggy :P I have a BIOS virus, yes it sux.....)

Second I got mostof the opengl stuff


I am using python 2.6 (It was a pain to manually uninstall all newer versions of python and install 2.6)


I have a slight skill when it comes for writing scripts (I did it on windows just for fun, adn sometimes when modding newer games)


I had an emulator....



It refused to load the debug rom, at all, not even sound


and it crashed alot on a decompressed MM rom :(

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Just run Nemu through Wine... I've never gotten Mupen64 to run correctly, although, I haven't put much time into it.


Spinout should be a pro and make an emulator that has all the functions of Nemu but is /easier/ for people to use.

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I've been told that for a long time. I've self tested on my computer; doesn't show that it runs slower. ANYHOW, I guess get a plugin from one of the other emulators, and trial and error until you get it working.

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