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Hello again!


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I would like to say, I'm sorry for getting everyone at MaCo64.com involved with the problems that were occurring. Yes, it was three months ago, but still, I'm continuing to say sorry. Anyhow, I'm probably going to return to modifying N64 ROMs; I won't start until I think the time is right, but I think the time is soon. And once I 'think' I'm 'good' at programming, I'll start releasing programs. And 'I WILL' make another website but run it on my own.

</end me>


Staring over:

Sup? My name's Vex. B-)

Nice to see you haven't quit modding, Zeth. You worried me. :P

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Somehow I missed this thread, welcome back to the community Vex. We took care the liberty of removing the karma system cause people were abusing it, giving negative rep to people just cause they don't like them so that's not a problem anymore, second don't worry about what has happened in the past, the GCN is a neutral ground where we expect people to follow our open door policy with this, everyone here is welcome and that off site problems do not concern us. I hope you enjoy your stay and I look forward to your input here on the projects going on plus seeing projects of your own. If you have any questions feel free to IM me, or any of the staff, or feel free to post a question in the Q & A section of the forums.

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