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The reason behind the name

Pinkie Pie

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It's a name a friend and I came up with a long time ago when putting together words like this:

[something lethal][Random object]


I would change it to something else but there's no point because this is what people know me by on the internet now.

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It's a little bit embarrassing, considering how stupid my nick's origin is, but anyway.


The "x" comes from the X Window System, prominently known as the foundation of GUIs under Linux, because back when I first had to think of a nickname (some 12 years back or so) I had been messing around with Linux for the first time - to be exact, SuSE Linux 5.3 from a German PC mag's cover CD. And "daniel" is my real first name, so that makes "xdaniel".


Alternatives to "xdaniel", ex. when it's already taken somewhere, are "xdanielDZD" - "DZD" being the short form of my website's name, DigitalZero Domain; used ex. for my YouTube account - or, rarely now, "xdany87" - 1987 being my year of birth.


Also, while it's a minor detail and not really all that important, it still kinda irks me when someone writes it "XDaniel" or somesuch. The correct capitalization, or it's lack thereof, is something I demand :P

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Well, my name was orginally Oh Jeez Its Me, but when signing up on the Nintendo Projects forum, I put in the wrong email.


Afterwards, I used the name Ummm To Coool, the extra O in Coool came from what should be Too instead of To. Dunno why I did that, I was 12. Ummm To Coool came from the fact that I thought this was extremely cool, not because I, myself, thought I was too cool for people. But later on, the Ummm just became too much, and just got rid of it when the site moved from www.nintendoprojects.net to www.nintendoprojects.com. So... yeah :P

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The correct capitalization, or it's lack thereof, is something I demand :D

This vividly brings spinout to mind. I think he actually had to customize the way his wiki pages were loaded/compiled/whatever to force that s to be lowercase. XD


My name actually originated from forgetfulness and a very mean dragon. In Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, there's a dragon named Nizidramanii'yt, which is, as you might expect, a very difficult name to pronounce, let alone remember. That name came to mind when I wanted to register for a forum related to mods for that game, but one spastic keyboard-mashing later, I somehow produced Naxylldritt. The name stuck, and thus, here I am (with such variants as Naxy, Nax, Naxx, Naxyll, etc., though Naxy is by and large my most preferred nickname).

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I think Naxylldritt is an awesome name anyway.

Okay, I'm known for several different names, so here we go:

Elsewhat: Originally "Elsewhere" Since I was considered random, and else was almost a synonym for random. It changed to Elsewhat since I'm a thing, not a place.

Dareia: When I first played PSO, I was very, very young and played video games solely for making stories. My first Character was Satara, and I just finished Ep. 1 with her. Another character I made years ago was a CAST named DART, since "she is fast". Then I made yet another character who I named Daret, "Satara's sister." When I obtained PSU:AotI, I played on the name Daret and made Darei. Phantasy Star Portable, I named a character Darea, then PSP:2, Dareia. (On Dragon Quest IX, I made a character named Dareiata, which is a mouthful.)

Tell-TaleHeart: One of my favorite Edgar Allan Poe stories, and it sounded more feminine than Else because of the "Heart".

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Malqua, it's something I made up randomly.


It is pronounced:



<embed width="113" height="100" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/flashplayer/" swliveconnect="true" scale="SHOWALL" quality="high" loop="false" play="true" src="http://cs1.imtranslator.net:80/SL/Free_Projects/239679348/cs_5162011_18_47_49_1.swf?param1=001023" id="flash1" name="flash1">



Later, I found out by means of Dictionary, that Mal is a Latin prefix for "Bad", and Qua is more Latin for "As being."


Anyway, I think it's cool.


I often get confused for a girl because my name ends with an A. Do not make this mistake, as there is a special circle in hell just for those who do.

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I've got a couple nicknames I'm known for on the internet. I'll explain four of 'em.


Sonadow - This was my username of the first forum that I can remember that I signed up on. I was a big Sonadow fan (still am now) thus the name.


Kaze - Kaze's my LoZ character, she had the name first, I just used it for awhile. I still get called that sometimes. *coughSHADOWFIREcough*


Kitty - My IRL friend named me this for reasons unknown to me and somehow it got stuck on the interwebs so now people call me Kitty.


CrimsonWings - I love saying crimson out loud, it's such a fun word. I hate heights, but I love the thought of having wings.


So there you go, call me any of those, or make up your own, I dun care. >.>

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Well my original name was Zeth-the-fallen, it was name of a character I used for ages, Zeth being the name of the character of course, the fallen referring to his fall from his stature in my fan fiction. Eventually it led me to come up with a last name, so I did a search ages ago, back when there was only yahoo(Scary thought lol) and I came across the elven name, Alkar which meant to follow greatness, and I always wanted to do something great with my life(since Zeth was basically me personafied) so I used the name. Other incarnation came from that later, Zeth64, ZethAlkar64 or ZethN64, all relating to the N64 as it was and still is my favorite console ever made. I did use on my original youtube the name ZethlovesTakumi, Takumi being the character from an anime I used to watching during that time that I thought was just really adorable.


And so yeah, that's me.

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I was playing an online game ages ago... I used a stupid name at the time, one with random numbers and letters... so I created the name "Hellraiser" on the fly after watching seven horror movies in a row and then trying to sleep... which I could not, so I played multi-player on Half-Life back in 2004, when Steam came into being.

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Well, Destroyer is my favorite Static X song and 4292 is for my birthday (April 20, 1992...the 0 is removed) so I just put the two together. I was wasted at the time when I came up with it, so I just stuck with it. Also, my other username I had on 64hackz, Monsterman420, was sort of the same (My favorite Lordi song and the obvious)

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Okami Takahashi is the name of a character from a crappy fiction series inspired by OoT and Jak II (I gave him similar powers). I wrote this starting in Jr. High, and though I've since abandoned writing his fan fiction series, I still cling to this character, mainly because I based him upon myself, his personality being more or less a reflection of my own. And his scar. His facial scar is my own, albeit much larger, thicker and noticable.


In his early stages of development, which was around the time Wind Waker was released (I hadn't a GCN at the time, so I was stuck with Ocarina of Time), I imagined him modelled in OoT style, in an map based around my house (a pretty wooded place with a large bog, a pond and many dirt paths, blah blah blah.) If I ever had any hacking and modelling skills like Zeth and his team, I'd make that vision a reality and create a game based on his first adventure.


The image you see of him in my Avatar is not what he actually looks like, I just did that on an anime face maker. I've got a rough sketch of him right here:


Posted Image


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And a frontal view of his head. Rarely done due to the fact that I designed his hairstyle in a 3/4's view, so it's a bit tricky to imagine how it looks in the front.


I can't draw bodies for beans.

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Netsrac is Carsten (which is my name) spelled backwards. It represents a mirror. But not a normal mirror. It's a mirror with cracks in it. A mirror with so many cracks in it, that it alters the look of what is supposed to be reflected. It shows something, where I'm not sure if it's something I want or don't want to become... my alter ego...

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Um, okay. I think my name is already kind of explanatory but I'll tell anyway. I named myself "That 1001th Person" because, well, I was the 1,001th person to join the GCN. I put "That" because I thought of "ThatOneVideoGamer" while I was making the username.


Fun Fact: I actually wanted to put "That 1000th Person" a few days before I joined, but on the day I joined, I saw that the 1,000th place was already taken, so I did the 1,001th instead.

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Zaneeba was a cartoon character I drew when I was a kid.

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He was an OP magic alien or... something. His goal was to become master of the universe and enslave humanity. Thus why my name is Zaneebaslave, and so shall you ALL BE IN THE FUTURE!

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