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Zeth's Whereabouts

Zeth Ryder

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You guys have been wondering why I haven't been on recently, I've been actually quite busy with a side project. Every once in a while, I need to take a break from URA and other things and just enjoy stuff. What I enjoy most is building/creating things, drawings, models, textures, etc. Lately I've been part of the Zelda sim on Second life for those who know of it, and I've been building for them recently. This leads to my most awesome build yet! I hope you enjoy it.


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And then the Mainchamber and my character on the sim, yes I am Fado the Wind Sage! :P


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Why they refused to let you build there is still just beyond me, regardless of issues of pride. *facepalm*


Sweet stuff there, Mr. Alkar. I see why you facepunched me off the property the other day, that would've ruined the surprise. XD

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