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You can make glZelda 2 a reality


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Probably you already checked my signature, probably you don't. But I really think, a community like this site is a proper place to create a thread about it and advertise a project like glZelda(2) and I hope to get enough responses to show the project leader that a project like this is really appreciated.

But let me start from the beginning:

Most of you probably already know Zelda Classic, if not, you should really check it out, because it's a duty for every Retro, SNES and Zelda Fan to play it at least once.

It's an engine recreation, to play and recreate the complete feeling and gameplay of the The Legend of Zelda NES game without an emulator on your PC and enhance it with new quests or items.

Today it's an awesome editor with plenty of possibilities. You can create a completely new game and work with the original NES Sprites, but it also supports ALttP and the BS-X (and more!) sprites. But deep inside its core is still kinda old school, without enhanced gfx capabilities and features.


More than 5 years ago a French coder Benjamin Arnaud created glZelda to show an engine with editor which was build with up-to-date technique and other fine features and it really was and still is stunning.

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Download the complete video here (with additional editor part, had to cut it down because of the 10 minutes limit)

And I really mean stunning, because if you think about, that all this had been done 5 years ago, than it's just too nice ending up as a mere tech-demo.

As time goes by, the author already thought about a revive of the project and posted the following comment at his blog:

I'm not sure yet to code a glZelda 2.


But if I do, it'll use Qt / C++ / Opengl. to get the best of UI and Rendering worlds. And it might have an online feature.

Online features!! Yeah, but till the end of 2009 it was quietly and the project was dead before it really started.

But 11/30/2009 the author came back and created a thread in the Zelda Classics board:


Two years ago I posted about a little project I had.


This was mostly a tech demo, demonstrating how could Zelda3 run using modern GPUs.

You can find details and get it here :


Having spent myself glorious hours on the GameBoy version of Zelda a Link to the past, I suspected people would warmly welcome it.


Surprisingly a lot of people tried it, a lot of people asked for the code, some people proposed their work. I wasn't ready for all this back then. It was a tech demo.


We're in 2009 now, I feel this project is incomplete.


I have two questions for you:

Are you interested in a Zelda 3 Classic ?

Would you contribute to such project ?


Benjamin Arnaud.

Sadly, the project got nearly ignored and only a few answered.

So I decided to write him via email, here's the conversation log for you:

Any new news regarding an upcoming glZelda release?

You announced it at the Zelda Classic board, but sadly never answered in the forum or replied my pn.

I already knew a few people, that are interested in creating a project with your tool.

Dear MasterPhW,


glZelda was a tech demo. It’s not intended to make a full game with it. As far as I’m concerned glZelda project is over.


That said,


Few month ago I asked at Zelda Classic board if anyone was interested by a Zelda 3 classic.

So far I didn’t get enough answers to get me running on this.


If many people are interested helping out on a new Zelda project, just let them mail me at bunjeee@gmail.com.


If enough people show support I might consider investing time on this.

We have the technology, now we need the community.

All in all, it would be cool to do it, but together.


Benjamin Arnaud.

Now you can see, there's still legitimate interest by the creator of glZelda, but he really want to see, that there is a community which is interested and would show support for him and his tool.

So after I got the mail I started posting the video to Youtube and information/advertisement posts at 8 different websites, but after that I had some real life issues, so I than disappeared from glZelda advertisment.

But I already made an impact! He showed reaction at his new site (or should I say 3 reactions? You could also count Support & Suggestion and the Contribution thread at his board).


Before the disappearance I was preparing a big promotion campaign with two additional videos in 2 scenarios never seen before (with appropriate enemies as well) in glZelda (Dark World is one, but the 2nd stays a secret till release) created with the old glZelda engine to show its potential, but because of these serious real life issues I hadn't time to finish it yet and that's a real shame!

Scenario 1 has finished music, font, nearly all sprites done, sketches, ideas and an alpha but is missing still a lot mapping and I didn't even started with scenario 2, but already created sketches and support files.


If anybody knows a good spriter and/or mapper it would help me a lot to just get the advertisement train finally rolling!

But even without them, I decided to restart the effort and thought this site needs a glZelda2 topic aswell! :P


If you are interested in this project and would like to see a Zelda 3 Classic engine with modern gfx support, write an email to bunjeee@gmail.com, reply here or at his site and tell your friends about this project!

He/we will still need you as a community! Talk about it on Facebook, Youtube or Twitter and help me to advertise this great project!

But most important: show support and help making glZelda a reality!

Thanks for reading


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.. I LOVE this..


Tell the author, not just me. :P


This looks pretty damn awesome. Too bad I wouldn't be much help to a project like this since my knowledge in programmining is extremely low /:


If this project gets into his 2.0 phase, than you can help with nearly everything. You know how many editors (and engines) have its flaws because of some old and bad design decisions.

You could test the editor and tell a coder, how a "normal" user would like it. Sometimes we coders have problems in seeing the normal easy to use control sheme, because we think to complicated. That's the place you could jump in. So spread the word!

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I will admit that in 2011 I stumbled apon it on youtube. I kinda sparked the project again. No help right now but it has potental to be something very big.


And no I will not give up. I still think about it everyday. It could have a epic multiplayer with the right tools.

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