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Zeth Ryder

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So while reading over some of my older magazines, I found a couple interesting clips I would like to share with you. :3


First is this one:

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If you can conquer this menace(Volvagia) then you'll be rewarded with the Fire Medallion and Fire Arrow magic.

So originally you were suppose to get the fire arrows from Darunia it seems instead of at Lake Hylia. On the next page it actually shows link using them in the Ice Cavern.


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And the last picture I want to share is that originally Link could use Farore's Wind anywhere.

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It works that way with the teleportation songs, anyway. I know that happened back when I played the original cartridge and I was going to deliver the Eyeball Frog to the professor at Lake Hylia, so I played the Serenade of Water--next thing I know, the timer shoots from 2:57 to 0:01. Hilarity ensued.


I think the main reason they made Farore's Wind only usable in dungeons is because they might've run into troubles with saving that restore point location across different maps and they didn't want to add a routine to load new scenes when you used it, if necessary.

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Well, Farore's Wind does work outside of dungeons, you just have to force it to be useable:


8111B9B2 0000

8111B9B4 0000


...for US v1.0 enables all(?) items for use everywhere, the opposite of the "Can't Use Weapons" cheat at ex. GSCentral. Start the game with the code enabled, and you should be able to cast the spell anywhere. I just tried it by using it in Hyrule Field - the green energy ball going right back to the spawn point -, then went through Kakariko, onto Death Mountain Trail, into Dodongo's Cavern and then tried to return to the warp point. Which worked perfectly, Link spawning a meter or so in the air over his previous spawn point in Hyrule Field.


Screenshots of another try, the faded interface being the result of the code:


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Edited by xdaniel
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Well, Farore's Wind does work outside of dungeons, you just have to force it to be useable:


8111B9B2 0000

8111B9B4 0000


...for US v1.0 enables all(?) items for use everywhere, the opposite of the "Can't Use Weapons" cheat at ex. GSCentral. Start the game with the code enabled, and you should be able to cast the spell anywhere. I just tried it by using it in Hyrule Field - the green energy ball going right back to the spawn point -, then went through Kakariko, onto Death Mountain Trail, into Dodongo's Cavern and then tried to return to the warp point. Which worked perfectly, Link spawning a meter or so in the air over his previous spawn point in Hyrule Field.


Screenshots of another try, the faded interface being the result of the code:

-3 posted images-

Pretty cool code there :P Maybe it's original function outside of the dungeons might've been like that at one point.

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Not really. Why bother wasting magic when you have the ability to teleport to that spot free of any magic cost? Maybe it doesn't matter as much to other players, but I'd only use it for getting to really obscure places when I needed to get there. In the dungeons, it really doesn't have much use, except maybe in the Fire Temple if you try and fail to get the Megaton Hammer.

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Something I didn't realize til I reread it again, read the paragraph about the fire arrow, it talks about the Red Tunic as well, I guess Darunia's son didn't originally give it to you so you either had to suffer the temple or shell out the rupees for it. <---- I like this idea waaaay better.

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Something I didn't realize til I reread it again, read the paragraph about the fire arrow, it talks about the Red Tunic as well, I guess Darunia's son didn't originally give it to you so you either had to suffer the temple or shell out the rupees for it. <---- I like this idea waaaay better.

I agree with that idea too :P Maybe it should be implemented in URA :(

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