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how did you came to zelda hacking??


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so i start :


a few yearz ago , a frind showed me the pj64 emulator. i didn´t know that its possible to play n64 game on my PC. after that i learned that i can use cheat codes with emulators and i searched for weeks for oot codes at glitchkill.tk. that was the first time i heared about the debug rom.. of curse i downloaded it and i was impressed how great it was. a few weeks later i found a youtube video with zeth´s zelda oot tp retexture . thenceforth i searched for texture packs. luckily i found a site , i think the name was zelda-hackz or something like that. there was a topic about stuff from thestonetower.freeforums.org. ( i found the stone tower i few weeks before but i wasn´t able to join ) at this point i started to retexture by myself.



someday i was able to join ( i don´t know why it didn´t worked before Posted Image ) that was the time when i made my utube and put zelda videos on it. thenceforth i learned to work with uot and to use a hex editor.



now i´m here Posted Image

i would not post this topic if my friend did´t showed me the n64 emulator Posted Image it´s fate Posted Image


sry. if you didn´t understood something .. my english is bad as hell D:

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Being part of ZSO and Zelda Coalition, getting the Debug ROM, cooliscool, Cen, MN and the rest of us digging into it and slowly figuring out how stuff worked, MN & Co. writing the first public model viewer, cooliscool starting ZAV/ZAVAP/UoT, me starting my own first model viewer try, the "Experimental N64 Object Viewer", which (was rewritten and) evolved into OZMAV, which (was also rewritten and) evolved into OZMAV2 and branched out into ZSaten, DLViewer, etc. And here we are, SayakaGL and all.

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My first experience with any N64 emulator was the Ultra HLE emulator that had support for the Voodoo 3DFX cards. Needless to say it was interesting play it, I still remember Zelda's Hair standing up on end cause of bad translations or the part where she leaves you behind cause the door won't open in Ganon's castle. I originally started hacking back on the N64 using a gameshark and still to this day have codes that I never released, mostly for 1.0 and 1.1 as I had those games. I eventually found Odyssey of Hyrule by video gamer X and read a lot of the articles up on there, lastly it led me to ZSO where I saw a dedicated hacking community working together and discovering things under the cartridge that weren't meant to be seen. Needless to say, I was impressed, I followed the community is secret for bit til Dark_Link_77 came out with his tutorial on how to port maps from MM to OOT. Its when that happened I wanted to be involved and learn how to do that, honestly that's all I wanted to do and go back into lurking, well....that didn't happen. I participated in group discussions on both IRC and forums, learned more about things and eventually cooliscool taught me how to load up models via his replace all the trees in Hyrule field method. It was during that time, I took the initiative to start learning and experimenting on my own, eventually I got my own website, and the rest is history leading to now. Its weird how far I've come honestly looking back from then to now, I never heard of such things as a hex editor beside the memory editors used in gamesharks and now I've ported maps, loaded up beta models, can write new hierarchies for models, port animations, etc and now have probably one of the biggest Zelda projects in the community, if you would of told me then I was going to do all this, I wouldn't of believed you, I still kind of don't believe it sometimes. xD

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I started way back in -07 (or it feels like agoes ago anyway) by getting knowledge of pj64.

I quickly (More like instantly) noticed that there was Gameshark codes available, so I started to play around with them :P

then one day when I was searching (this was in -07 or -08 dun remember) I found glitchkill, now I found the specific code I was looking for and forgot about it for almost 2 years, in -09 I found it again, this time it was because I had seen some videos on youtube about modding zelda, and They said 'a glitchkill.tk production' or something, I was intrigued. so I went there and lurked for a long time, reading a lot but not joining or posting at all... I learned some when readin, but there is just a certain amount of things you can learn and understand completely without questions, in -10 I joined because I was hooked on modding zelda and I wanted to learn!


I had actually started to mod sm64 back in -08, but that is not really relevant.....

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Found Zeth/64hackz back in early 2009, I think. But I would say I actually started modding when MaCo was around, which was during later November or early December of last year. Everything else I did, was nothing, nothing at all. I'll get around to releasing my assembly $H!+ when I feel the time is right.

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I'm reading 2009, 2007 here, but I'm curious: Did anyone of you get into OoT hacking and/or the "Zelda beta community" before, say, 2005 or so?


I know that you, Dark_Link-77, some guy named Ash, MNGoldenEagle and others did. :P I actually found ZSO back in 2004 (according to my old eMachines). But I doubt I knew what it was; I was probably looking for glitches or something in Ocarina of Time.
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I'm reading 2009, 2007 here, but I'm curious: Did anyone of you get into OoT hacking and/or the "Zelda beta community" before, say, 2005 or so?


I've been hacking OOT since the early 2000's, it was via gameshark, I literally have an entire booklet dedicated to codes I made for the 1.0 & 1.1 versions of the game.
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While I didn't have a whole booklet of codes and such, I had a few A4 pages with a selfmade Beta Quest 0020 log (which, as I latter understood, is identical to 0000) and some codes I had copied there from the net. Some selfmade codes are still on my old Xploder64 (a POS, I might add) cartridge, like the "BQ Expansion Code" which we now as the - still incorrectly named - Object Set Modifier :P

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I'm reading 2009, 2007 here, but I'm curious: Did anyone of you get into OoT hacking and/or the "Zelda beta community" before, say, 2005 or so?


I knew that it was possible to hack Zelda back in 2005. I became aware of ZSO one or two days before it went down for good unfortunately. I had such a horrible computer back in 05 though so I didn't ever get into hacking Zelda myself. I've never contributed anything to the Zelda hacking community, let's be honest, I can't hack. I like to review people's work or give suggestions, otherwise I'm just a personality here.
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I know that you, Dark_Link-77, some guy named Ash, MNGoldenEagle and others did. :P I actually found ZSO back in 2004 (according to my old eMachines). But I doubt I knew what it was; I was probably looking for glitches or something in Ocarina of Time.


I found ZSO somewhere around 04 as well, but I had no idea what it (or emulators) was, I was merely looking for glitches, And I think I found some too :(



**A bit offtopic**

Has anyone managed to get the zora gauntlets on a real console? I have only managed to get the 'kokiri' gauntlets...

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In 2006 I got into OoT glitches and discovered ZSO. Didn't join. Sometime later in 2007 (2008?), I got a GS and started exploring BQ on the console. I made a beta quest log of goron city; it was my first post at ZSO. I was there for the end of the party, ZSO fell apart within half a year. I eventually learned Python (summer 2009), wrote my first viewer, slowly learned MIPS, then when I found out how terrible windows was for developing C, I started using Linux (ubuntu). I've continued to write programs in C, python, and MIPS assembly, and most recently I've gotten a n64 development device (flash cartridge) to test changes I've made on my N64.

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I started all of this when I was 8 or so, actually... that would've been in 2007, I guess. I first started Emulators when I was still in kindergarten, but I thought they were magic, back then. Believe it or not, the first game I played on an emulator was a Pokemon game.Then for the next two years or so, I spent my time looking into game shark codes. I thought they were ultimate power. Then I finally got my own computer when I was 7, or something like that. I found out about Project 64.I always asked my older brother if I'd be able to use it. He said no, not at all. My video chip wasn't that great. I downloaded it anyway, and it ran, but everything was gray-scaled except for the HUD. eventually I got a better computer and found Kayos' High Resolution OoT Texture pack. I wanted so bad to learn how to use it. Eventually, I did. It seemed like I was in heaven from there on out. But that wasn't good enough, I had to learn how to make them. Yada-Yada. I eventually found TheStoneTower, and found Zeth's TP pack. My first post was some texture pack, I made by combining Zeth's Textures and Cicimaster's Christmas pack textures. I inverted all of them, and took credit for myself....Form then, I met Naxylldritt, then I've done mainly nothing but continue to hack Zelda.

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In 2006 I got into OoT glitches and discovered ZSO. Didn't join. Sometime later in 2007 (2008?), I got a GS and started exploring BQ on the console. I made a beta quest log of goron city; it was my first post at ZSO. I was there for the end of the party, ZSO fell apart within half a year. I eventually learned Python (summer 2009), wrote my first viewer, slowly learned MIPS, then when I found out how terrible windows was for developing C, I started using Linux (ubuntu). I've continued to write programs in C, python, and MIPS assembly, and most recently I've gotten a n64 development device (flash cartridge) to test changes I've made on my N64.


Where did you get that flash cartridge!? Please tell me (I have looked for something like this!):P

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Hmm... It all started when I played Twilight Princess in 2006. I loved the game so much that I began a playthrough of all the zelda games I could get my hands on. Finally, I came to OoT and MM... It frustrated me so much that I could not play them because I did not own an N64 or a Wii so for the longest time I did not play any zelda game at all. Then, I realized the godliness that was emulators :P


In the summer of 2009 I downloaded PJ64, played OoT inside-out, and then tried the "Secret Colored Gauntlets" glitch: Exact Video I Watched So Long Ago


After successfully performing the glitch, I wanted to know how it worked. So clicked the link the description and it brought me to this page that talked of (what seemed at the time) to be going on about complex memory routines and checks.


I had absolutely NO idea what it all meant. :( (and I still don't)


But that did not stop me, from there I googled "LoZ: OoT Hacking" and found cooliscool's website which talked about Utility of Time. After downloading and reading up on it some more, I ended up downloading the Debug ROM and experiementing a little with UoT (actor placement, vertex editting, object swapping). This continued for about 3 days in the summer before I got bored and thought that was all there really was to zelda hacking. So I continued with my life but continued to play on the Debug ROM with GS codes and glitches- no real hacking.


Finally, I got into the beta content that was supposedly still the ROM and began a quest to discover the Triforce. I quickly realized how foolish my quest was and immediately stopped. But, I still continued to look up info on beta content.


Finally, in late December of 2009 I came across a YouTube comment on a video on a Beta Quest runthrough of the Ice Caverns that talked of Team Beta Triforce. I decided to google them and came across a familiar name: "cooliscool" and "Utility of Time".


This caught my interest because at the time I was thinking "what more can you possibly do with UoT that I don't already know of?" So I decided to browse around the (DEAD) forums of spinout's and came to realize the wonders of hacking. That's where I came to know all of your names. I quickly became a fan of the project only to hear that the team split up a few days later.


I read a post by DeathBasket that talked of Glitchkill so I decided to join those forums... But I lost interest in a day so I deleted my account and didn't make another one until half a year later in June 2010.


I didn't pay too much attention to the scene and was mainly a lurker with no account for awhile until I saw a page on custom music over at Gekinzuku. I decided to take a shot at it ended up making at least SOME noise. I made my first post & topic: Here. Damn, could I type any more annoying?


From that small experiment I gained newfound interest and decided to see what else I could do... So I asked spinout for a password to his site and forums which was for authorized personel only at the time. Haha.. I still have my login crap :)


After a few weeks, I heard of Forbidden Legends and was motivated even further to get into hacking. I attempted to port a display list and succeeded (but had no idea what the hell I was doing) but still felt like a badass and became "cocky" enough to begin posting on forums.


From there, I heard of the URA project (from its first trailer) and came here in June 2010 (a day after I joined glitchkill). I attempted and succeeded at making my first custom map a little while later.


... And I don't really need to tell you the exact times I learned how to do specific things anymore :(


Anyways, I increased in hacking knowledge greatly over the summer of 2010 and by August I joined Maco. After a few months of becoming good friends with Vex and a "fair acquiantance" of Flotonic's I became moderator. Shortly after, I became an Admin. Finally, in February Maco64/Maco died and I went back to Glitchkill. I've learned alot since then and I continue to learn even more... And we come to where I am now

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punk7890 got me into hacking back in late-ish 2008, I learned a lot about codes and level editing from him and then started learning about porting maps, objects, etc. Most of the things I did from then were just small map/object/music modifications.

I didn't do any real hacking until I started looking into assembly hacking some time about a year ago, but I don't have a huge interest in hacking so I don't get much done.

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Well, when I saw Zeth's texture release video, I was like "HOLYSH-" and then ran off to find what could do that. I soon came across his pack, and I tried it out. I had very little experience in Photoshop at this time, but I wanted to try and make my own pack. I attempted, and I guess I did decent. Over the years, texturing began to assert itself as the main reason why I use my computer. Nowadays, I'm helping out in various packs, like Ocarina of Skyward. I even have a custsom pack that I REALLY need to release. It's my best so far. And I just gotta say one thing...

Thanks, Zeth, for introducing me to Zelda hacking!

Without him, I might not be here right now.

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I'm one of the older fixtures of the scene, though I wasn't active until around '05-'06 I think. I forget. I started with the absurd notion of turning the Windmill and Dampe's Grave into a small dungeon and bugged cooliscool almost every day for new features. My first big 'OMGYES' moment was when I finally made a ramp in the windmill part of the dungeon. The second was working out how to make the doorways work without Dampe. I've followed almost every branch of the community since the ZSO split.


edit: I'm also very lazy. This has never changed.

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  • 2 months later...

For me it was the Ocarina Platform....

Posted Image


Part 1


I started Zelda hacking with just a Gameshark, and a real N64. I started with beta quest . My personal favorite moment in beta quest was the ranch, because you could could have child link a horse.


I never mapped beta quest, because I realized practically first thing they were just uninitialized cutscenes. I did, however map out every valid normal exit in the game.

But it's the ocarina platform that got me here. I joined ZSO, the end all site for Zelda hacking at the time, for only 1 purpose... to have someone give me a code that could get me on that platform without the game crashing.


No one ever did. :D


If anyone had, I would have left and never come back. All I really ever wanted was to get on that platform.


So I ended up staying to learn enough to make that single code. When actor hacking came out I finally had what I needed to finally step on that platform.


Still one of my favorite moments in Zelda hacking.


End of Part 1

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