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Why people use cheats....

Tell-Tale Heart

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Okay, now there are some trolls who insult people for playing with cheats (One guy in RL even said to me "D*** you to H***, which I consider almost blasphemy for a person being pathetic enough to put in cheats into the now 8 deadly sins.), and they tend to be harsh. Here's a few reasons why I, personally, cheat.

1. Simply for fun.

The main Female character in HeartGold was, in my opinion, not Pokemon's greatest character design, so I used cheats to make her look like Erika. Yay Kimonos! Also, I enjoyed replacing Marta's model with Aqua.

2. I want to see the cutscenes but I don't like the gameplay/battle system.

I wasn't a fan of Final Fantasy VIII's battle system, but I really liked the European-based locations. So yes, I used cheats to help make the battle system more enjoyable.

3. Speed things up a little.

Believe it or not, I have a life. And that life is too short not to speed up Exp. grinding a little.

4. I don't like this game that much.

Okay, I know alot of you guys love Pokemon, but unfortunately, it's really not my favorite. I mean, it's a good game, it just doesn't seem to be my cup of tea lately. So yes, I use cheats to blow through it. And make my character wear Kimonos.

So, there are games I refuse to use cheats on (Zelda, unless it's for fun, like moon jump or whatever, but I will not use max rupees most of the time. Also, Final Fantasy VII. I know most people think it's overrated, but It doesn't give me -any- satisfaction blowing my way through it.), but there are some I don't mind being guilty of the "8th Deadly sin."

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I don't understand what's so bad about using cheats. Yeah I've seen someone use them on pokemon before but then again, I seen someone use no cheats and beat a guy with a level 1 ratata compared to the guy who cheated his game. Granted I admit I use cheats on pokemon games, however its not to even speed up grinding or stat boosting, I just do it so I can get my non-legendary team since I've played through all the games and I want to use them and not all of them are shall we say interconnected to transfer pokemon. If you look at the glitchkill community, they thrive on making cheats and these aren't for actually cheating, more adding mods to the games to make things harder or do really neat things. I honestly don't think saying everyone that uses cheats is horrible, cause everyone at one point must of used at least one. I personally don't like using cheats for like for first time play through of games or stuff, cause I usually like to play legit through(with exception of pokemon and I raise those from lvl 1 btw), but I also like to use cheats to make my own hacking experience easier when testing my Zelda mods out, like the DISABLE THE OWL CODE! <3 <3 <3

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The biggest cheat I ever did was just to see what Oak would say if I caught all 151 Pokemon on Pokemon Yellow (Wasn't worth my time >.>). Other than that, I only cheat after I beat a game to get to my favorite sections, such as the final battles for Wind Waker. There's nothing wrong with cheats >.>

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I generally don't cheat on my first playthrough of any given game, but afterwards I like using cheats to just mess around - OoT being a prime example, I suppose. Pokemon is probably the only series where I don't even do that, at least not anymore (Missingno. anyone?), and instead train the Pokemon I want to train, grind others to evolve and fill their spot in the Pokedex, I don't even use Rare Candies anymore nowadays.


Otherwise, like with Zeth disabling the damn owl, I've been using cheats in my hacking exploits to make things easier, ex. for Mega Man: Wily's Revenge for the GB, using invincibility and all weapons codes.

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Oh, also, I found cheats for The Wind Waker that let you go into beta rooms.


There's nothing wrong with cheats >.>


Thank you, To Coool.


Some Trolls (I will not refer to these fiends as people) are overly rude about this subject.

Now, I don't mind much if people (Yes, people, not Trolls.) say things like, "*reads topic title* "Don't use them."" because they are simply asking people that they will never meet to conform to their style of gaming.

Oh wait.....

Uhm, I was supposed to make it sound like they're being polite. Hmmmm.....

Now, let's look at some pathetic examples of trolls insulting people simply because the people have a life and want to speed things up, or because they have already played the game and want a different kind of enjoyment.

"I'll just pretend this is a question about EVs instead of some dumb noob who thinks they are better by beating people who took weeks to build competitive teams by using a superior team that took 2 minutes....

But, you must really suck at Pokemon if you have to hack."

I would agree with the statement above if they're cheating just to beat legit online players, but if they're just playing through the game a second time, or are just curious to find out what this Pokemon looks like evolved but don't want to use a whole lot of effort, then you, FlameCannon, are officially a Troll.

Uhm, And if they put in a customization option or whatever to make your avatar look what you want them to so I wouldn't care if my character looked like Erika or not, that'd be awesome.

"...If you need AR to beat a game this ridiculously easy...fail. And look at this, you killed the board, I'm the first person to post something since you put up this topic!"

I would say something about this, but this guy already said it

"i already beat it i just want the codes for fun"

Point made, point taken.

"Anyone willing to answer my questions 4 real please?"


*sobs in corner*"

If you're going to Troll, at least use something called Proper Grammar, thank you.

Oh, and perhaps the most famous and personal of all....

"D**n you to H**l!!!"

Who died and made you Pope of the second Great Schism?

And here's some nice people sticking up for themselves....

"Thank you guys for the help. I half expected to get a deluge of why do you need to use a cheat device. Usually they don't even bother to ask if I had played through the game before or not."

"^ why? o-o

i used my AR to rewrite duel gear into something completely different, its fun"

"I saw that thread yesterday. I don't think I've laughed that hard in my entire life. Screenshots =/= cheating. Potentially? yes. He has proven he has a "special" psp through an extremely clear screenshot and suspicions can be raised. Definitely? no. Nuff said."

"Hahaha, that was one damn funny thread. Just because I've got a "special" psp doesn't mean I'm cheating. Otherwise I'd have myself some Lavis Blades already, 95 runs of Flaming Horns S as an acromaster and I'm 0 for 95 on any Lavis wepon."

"lol Gameshark.

I remember I caved and used the codes for getting all the damn cards because some of them were such a pain in the ass to win over."

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I love cheats. In fact, whenever an action replay comes out for the 3DS(the 3DS I am getting today! <3), I am getting that right away. Because then people will make cheats for OoT 3D(anyone here? *wink wink*), and then I can enjoy awesome stuff, like, different colored tunics, ect. LONG LIVE CHEATS, AND FARK THE CHEAT HATERS IN THEIR FANNIES!

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i hate when people say : FUC**** CHEATER , you used cheats , FU** YOU and so on D:


they don´t know how much fun it can make to mod games with simple cheats.


lol once , i was sooo exited when i used the moonjump code in oot :P lol i was like 8 -9 yearz old and i thought : yeah i hacked a game XDXDXD

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I like cheating to be able to do things you're not supposed to be able to do. Kingdom Hearts Example Time Initiate!


Things such as:

1) Unlocking Anti-form in your Drive List.


2) Unlocking these really messed up weapons for Sora and Goofy, that kinda look like the first Ultima Keyblade (With an ugly green, red, and white color scheme) and a combination of -every- shield that Goofy has.


3) Play As codes, for example playing as Roxas after his first 7 days, or playing as Final Xemnas.


4) Being able to do the infinite jump found only in the second Armored Controller battle.


5) Changing models around, an example being having Master Form's powers on Wisdom Form's model.


6) (Using other people's) Assembly mods, such as giving Sora the ability to wield a shield.


and much more.

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There is a fine line between cheats that help you win and cheats that don't. There is also a fine line between things put in the game to assist you, and advantage giving cheats. For example the Hero's Charm in the Wind Waker; and unlockable, it puts the odds in your favor but it doesn't win the game for you. If someone wants to cheat in a game, sure, why does it matter to me? That should be the case for everyone.

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