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Y hullo thar

Okami Takahashi

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I was previously a member of the Stone Tower forums, also known as Okami Takahashi, I think. I came to this place after finding that Zeth had returned to Youtube, and hearing about his URA Zelda project. I find these projects of his and others to be quite interesting, and hope to learn a few things here and there too.


So...that's me. :P

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Welcome back to the community. Good to see people from the older forums flocking back again. We hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or any other members of the administration.

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That wasn't a direct port of the original map from Wind Waker, that was just a custom map I made in SketchUp on my own as a recreation of the map. I don't think the N64 engine could handle the sheer size of polygons that the original Outset Island has. Either way, glad you like it, though it's nowhere near my best work.

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