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OoT 3D Glitches


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Bottle Dupe:


Swordless Link/Any item on Epona:


Hoverslide over Shadow Temple pit:


Hookshot through walls, allows early Ice Arrows:


Minute of Forest skip:


Bomb jump still works:


Deku Tree B1 skip:


Megaflip and weird slide:


Skip Trials in Ganondorf's castle:


Ganondorf's castle early:


Crater heart piece with megaflip:


Spell dive and early small key in water temple:


Skip Gerudo gate opening scene:

Let the fun ensue!

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Even better, Sage--they intentionally left the glitches in and, not only that, tweaked the game to work with these existing glitches. They only got rid of the glitches that were hazardous to your save file. These remaining beneficial glitches were left in as so-called "features."

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