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Well this is an alpha release. Reading further up in this very post will get you all the info you need right now.


I'll put together a decent readme later. For now the scene # is in the file name.




Is scene 0x51, hyrule field. Cutscene is 0.


Use the scene list from ZLE/ZLE2/ZAP2 or the wiki to find out which scene is which.


Yes, yes!

That tool you've created, even if not complete, give me much help, thanks JSA!

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Podes usar la herramienta de JSA que el dejo mas arriba,

pero tambien necestias conocer como poner los angulos de la camara,

como se pone desde un inicio hasta el final. (mas arriba esta explicado). :)


Y tambien, necesitas conocer el "format" de los comandos para la dato de un pelicula de OoT.




P.S. My Spanish isn't all that great so excuse me for any grammatical inconsistencies :)

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Y tambien, necesitas conocer el "format" de los comandos para la dato de un pelicula de OoT.




P.S. My Spanish isn't all that great so excuse me for any grammatical inconsistencies :)


Tu tambien hablas muy bien español!


@XDman pasate por esa pagina que te indica el formato y los comandos de la camara para modificar la escena.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, it's actaully really simple, howeever I was very dissappointed with how it turns out to work.


Here's the basic concept.  I hope this makes some sense to you.  I understand it completely at this point, but I'm not as good at explaining things as I am doing them.


Beside that, some of the concepts are confusing without a working example.  I will make an example up in the near future if there's call of it.


Here goes...


Intially, the map loads all the actors into their starting positions. 


But as the cutscene runs, it call upons the actors loaded by the map.  It refers to them by a completely differnt numbers than we know them by in the map.


It was intially thought that the cutscene would contain huge amounts of data to manipluate the actors.  Like calls to each individual animation for an actor.


This unforunately dosn't seem to be the case.  Rather, it seems, preset sequences of animations are preprogrammed.  In a very confusing system, each sequence has a differnt actor number in the cutscene.


Lets say(and these numbers aren't correct) you have the cutscene where Link confronts Ganon.  Lets say Ganon seated on horse back where actor 20.  Well, the cutscene will have actor 20, set stationary at a set of coordinations for several farmes. 


After that, and actor 21 is set there.  Actor 21(again the actor # here are fictiious) would turn out to be Ganon' casting a fire ball sequence.


Actor 27 is called for, and is moved from point a to point b within a few frames.  Turns actor 27 is the ball of engery ganon shoots at Link.  Calling the actor isn't just the ball it's self, but includes that it is animated forming, and dissapating.


After that you might see the next set of animations as actor 24 set set to move from one set of coordinates to another.  We, it turns out to be both ganon and his horse riding off.


I know this isn't much to go on, *I will* tear apart a cutscene and show you how it works step by step soon.  The point I'm trying to get across is, unless I'm missing somthing, cutscenes are a lot more fixed in nature than we were dreaming for.


Don't let this keep you from building one though.  if you use the cutscene tool for the camera sequences, and manage to copy an actor from a pre existing scene, you can get some really great resaults.

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Because cutscene actors are not normal actors that you just hack in, the cutscene actors are also loaded through actor 002A (ovl_En_Viewer), that is likely why the actor numbers are different.


EDIT: I found this interesting tidbit when messing around with 0000000A:

00 00 00 0A 42 70 00 00 00 0E 00 25 01 29 00 DC


This in is Spot00_scene, and when I changed 0000000A to 0000003E, during the cutscene where Zelda has her flashback, the camera doesn't stay focused at the horse's head, but wavers around. I assume it's because the camera is trying to focus on Navi during that animation.


EDIT 2: Changing it to 0000000D causes the camera to focus on Zelda.






Guys, looking at the values 0000000A and whatnot, it DOES NOT dictate the actors in the scene... instead it dictates the amount of TIME it takes to get from point A to point B in the camera cutscene modifications I did in my last video.


If the value is 00000000, the camera will not move at all, but if the value is 00000001 the camera will jump to point B in no time.



Cutscene camera speed control:


0000FFFF will decrement by 0x1 and 0000FFF6 will decrement by 0xA.


Changing only one of the segments will cause this effects, and different results can occur depending on which line you choose, but may not be greatly noticeable unless the speed is noticeable.

Edited by Airikita
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That is some interesting information, I wonder what else is decided through cutscenes... I know several months back I found all of the Cutscene Item obtaining and maybe you can point to see if any of this data is within the cutscene themselves?


Fairy Ocarina -


(Some extra info. Maybe outdated)

in RAM (I believe) it is located at 80085E38 912D 0007 (Location it will be put in your inventory) and 240E 0007 (The Fairy Ocarina's value put into your inventory) Is 240E then the missing link in all of this? It does follow the other command bytes found.

0xAFCFD8 - Location in Inventory
0xAFCFDC - Item in Inventory



Is that anywhere near the cutscenes?

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That is some interesting information, I wonder what else is decided through cutscenes... I know several months back I found all of the Cutscene Item obtaining and maybe you can point to see if any of this data is within the cutscene themselves?


Fairy Ocarina -


(Some extra info. Maybe outdated)

in RAM (I believe) it is located at 80085E38 912D 0007 (Location it will be put in your inventory) and 240E 0007 (The Fairy Ocarina's value put into your inventory) Is 240E then the missing link in all of this? It does follow the other command bytes found.

0xAFCFD8 - Location in Inventory

0xAFCFDC - Item in Inventory



Is that anywhere near the cutscenes?

That could just be part of the animation file, I don't think it would be in the scenes themselves.

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Heh, well here's an absurdity. I was trying to follow your directives in the video and changed the bytes you did to see if I was doing it right in the first place, but to my surprise I was met with a black screen as the cutscene went on. Perplexed I tried to fix it, but nothing worked. So I eventually switched roms and though it was clean it had the same problem. Finally after several more minutes of frustration I found out that it's because of my graphics plugin. It seems to absolutely hate that cutscene and shows it as a black screen, no idea why this is.


That would just be my luck though, haha.

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Heh, well here's an absurdity. I was trying to follow your directives in the video and changed the bytes you did to see if I was doing it right in the first place, but to my surprise I was met with a black screen as the cutscene went on. Perplexed I tried to fix it, but nothing worked. So I eventually switched roms and though it was clean it had the same problem. Finally after several more minutes of frustration I found out that it's because of my graphics plugin. It seems to absolutely hate that cutscene and shows it as a black screen, no idea why this is.


That would just be my luck though, haha.

That's because you can't change the segment before the camera controls... you're changing the path markers, not the camera data.


If you search for 42 70 00 00, you will find a repetitive segment of values and formats. I'm not sure what they all do, but values 000000XX control camera speed. Also, I show the hex segment in the first video, the other data is paths for actors.

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New findings:

00 00 00 21 00 00 0B B8 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 03   (from Spot00 scene)


0000000A 00000003 <-- Link in Title Screen



gggggggg hhhhhhhh 0000000A 00000003


gggggggg = Controls how the cutscene acts

(001X to watch Link in normal perspective, 002X and up for regular cutscene camera, 0000 for full control - no cutscene)


hhhhhhhh = maximum number of frames for cutscene duration

(if smaller than last frame, Link is controllable before the end of the cutscene)


if gggggggg or hhhhhhhh are 80000000 - FFFFFFFF, the cutscene will not animate (negative value)



Official format:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF FF FF FD 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 21 00 00 0B B8


Cutscene initiator:

00000000 0000xxxx - xxxx = number of segments


00000000 0000xxxx aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz gggggggg* hhhhhhhh*


* gggggggg and hhhhhhhh are explained above.

Edited by Airikita
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This is some great information, Airikita. Keep it coming. You seem to have great ability and success when reverse engineering the game so I don't doubt that you will be able the crack the cutscene format to a great extent.

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Your "Official start of cutscene"... I don't know what that is but it's before the cutscene data, why do you think that's the start? The cutscene command in the intro's scene header points to 0xA920 in the scene file, or 0x027E0920 in the Debug ROM, two bytes before what you call "cutscene variable" in your image. Edit, btw:

0000000A 00000003 <-- Link in Title Screen

That's already on the wiki, format (for the most part) and all. Edited by xdaniel
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Your "Official start of cutscene"... I don't know what that is but it's before the cutscene data, why do you think that's the start? The cutscene command in the intro's scene header points to 0xA920 in the scene file, or 0x027E0920 in the Debug ROM, two bytes before what you call "cutscene variable" in your image. Edit, btw:

0000000A 00000003 <-- Link in Title Screen

That's already on the wiki, format (for the most part) and all.


In my comment I'm referring to data in the title screen cutscene, that's where the cutscene data starts for the title screen, I wasn't referring to a general "start" of all cutscenes.


Now please, where do I control the rotation of actors in a cutscene? Epona rotates on her own in the title screen when she follows the path, but Zelda's horse will not face the direction of the paths, she stays facing one way the whole time.


I also know that 0000000A is on the wiki, THIS IS NOT MY QUESTION!!!

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In my comment I'm referring to data in the title screen cutscene, that's where the cutscene data starts for the title screen, I wasn't referring to a general "start" of all cutscenes. Now please, where do I control the rotation of actors in a cutscene? Epona rotates on her own in the title screen when she follows the path, but Zelda's horse will not face the direction of the paths, she stays facing one way the whole time. I also know that 0000000A is on the wiki, THIS IS NOT MY QUESTION!!!

No, the cutscene data for the title screen does not start there, it starts where I said it does, because that's where the pointer in the scene header points to. The game does not just randomly jump back 0x30 bytes of where a pointer leads!As for rotation, as I shouted I don't know how they work or if they even exist in the cutscene data, but judging from your shouts afterwards you figured this out?And I mentioned 0x0000000A because it seemed to me from you post, that you were saying that that's a new finding. If that's not what you meant, I apologize.
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Okay, this is driving me nuts, I have to post this to make my point:

Posted Image



Also THIS:



End of cutscene data:



(and yes, I know it's not based off of complete research)


Did you go back to using a HEX editor?  Did my tool fail?  :(


Anyways, I can assure you the break downs offered by my crude cutscene tool ARE accurate.


I'll work on a new revision that breaks the lines apart further...


1. When I have time

2. If there's any call for a cutscene editor, which so far there hasn't been.


At the very least, I'm gonna add feature for dumping/inserting the cutscenes recorded with Debug camera.

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