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Megaman Legends 3 cancelled

Zeth Ryder

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Apparently Capcom cancelled the game cause of "lack of interest" from the community supposely, according to Capcom of Europe on their Twitter page, however if we can show them there is quite the community and support for the project, there is a possibility the game may see the light of day. Its up to us gamers to show our support and bombard Capcom's twitters with our responses, and our feelings. Show your support and let Capcom know we mean business. We cannot do this alone and we ask that we all stand together, your voice might be one, but together, we can be a voice that can be heard. If our voice is heard, then we need to follow through and show our support, get into the dev room and post our ideas, thoughts, about things being worked on, we need to follow all the way through. So good luck everyone and please spread the word.

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@kdawg3000 We weren't asking people to do much but response to dev rooms was cool at best

@kdawg3000 it's a shame the fans didn't want to get more involved :-( if we saw there was an audience for MML3 people might change minds


No matter what Capcom or anyone says, that is an absurd excuse. Have those responsible for the cancellation even seen the Devrooms, their creations and ideas? And really, that they say something like this after their Twitter, Facebook and forums have already exploded with responses, concern, even quite a bit of hatred over the last about two days? If anything, this shows to me that the higher-ups at Capcom are even more out of touch with reality than I thought.


I'm not going to buy any Capcom games new anymore, besides Mega Man ones (which are basically their only interesting games to me anyway). Not that I still expect any more Mega Man games after them cancelling both Universe and Legends 3...


EDIT: Wait, what? http://twitter.com/#!/BoltGSR/status/93713524647395330


@Protodude @themmnetwork ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91h56… New Legends stage in UMvC3, Capcom thinks they're "so funny", film at eleven #DASH3 #MvC3


F- you, Capcom.

Edited by xdaniel
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Ugh that just annoys me that they throw that in our face :/

Btw, we cancel your game but we'll throw the stage in Marvel vs Capcom 3 just to fuck with you....;lkjasjdfk

Words can't even describe how I feel about this....


Time to go make a video for this and plaster it on youtube :3

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Look at this, Capcom of Europe, you are hillarious douchebags!

*removed image*


How the hell can they still talk to those people? I would be so damn ashamed canceling a game because "nobody wanted" it, and finding out they did want it a lot the whole time.


Also, I went against myself and purchased Dead Rising: Case West. It was so tempting. >.<



I am sorry for betraying. D:

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I'm urging all gamers to stand with us, not just megaman fans, cause if this company can pull this kind of shit on a very good project and game we want coming out, what's stopping it from doing it to the francise you like most? Its time to show the gaming company, you don't fuck with gamers!

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I'm urging all gamers to stand with us, not just megaman fans, cause if this company can pull this kind of shit on a very good project and game we want coming out, what's stopping it from doing it to the francise you like most? Its time to show the gaming company, you don't fuck with gamers!


Yeah! If they ever fuck with dead Rising, I'll kill them. >:/

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"Not having enough support by fans"... *facepalm* The fans are there, what the hell you mean by "not enough support"?


Then you deny the statement: "Haven't blamed anyone" :P And then you say that it's your own fault??? :( What the...? I don't even... You don't know how to make more credible excuses?


Then basically you said "We cancel the game because lack of support from the fans, but it's not the fans fault" = Posted Image F*CK YOU FANS, we don't care. What a bunch of hypocrites, Capcom. PATHETIC.

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Its why I'm asking everyone of the GCN to stand up with me and fight. Think about the games you loved that you wanted to see before the games got shafted, Mother 3, Megaman Universe, the Real URA Zelda, Dinosaur planet 64, Doshin the Giant, Other Japanese games that never made it outside of Japan, etc

These game will never see the light of day, and this time we have a chance to stop the gaming industry from doing this same thing to another game a lot of fans loved and want out. The company is so out of touch with its gamers and we won't take it sitting down. Already the facebook page has reached over 11,500 users showing their support and rapidly growing! So please spread the word, make a video, post a blog, do whatever you can, even draw for those who know how to, draw your love for those games. This will attract attention.


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I don't know if this can be in the same category, but I'd like to see Star Wars Battlefront III. People were raving over the first two. I know they released PSP versions, but then the concept art got leaked for III/IV (IV Which was apparently supposed to be an online game ONLY...or something)

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Just a repost of my rant in the devroom today at capcom! :P


First off, do we need like 20 pettitons floating around, why can't we consolidate to one petition?


Second off, how many people do they need in the devrooms? From what I heard 15k members were in the devrooms world wide, so 15k amount of people isn't enough to make a game when normal developers work between a group of 15 -100 people on a normal base for a game? In all reality, Capcom is doing nothing more then covering its big corporate ass with excuses. Furthermore it doesn't make -any- sense to cut Megaman from MvC3 for the fact he's been in both the first and second games, he's a founding fighter for that game franchise and to remove him is but a slap in the face to fans of the franchise completely. They have become so obssessed with making MvC3 so bloated with characters I couldn't give two flying f***s about, its literally changing the franchise into something unrecognizeable. Lastly my rant goes off to what Seth said on the Ustream today about MML3, "Its just the harsh reality about developing games" Who in their right ****ing mind would get the community involved with a game just to cancel it? How blantantly stupid is this company? From what I have gotten, the Dev rooms were suppose to help inspire gamers to get into the industry and work with developers on a game they all loved, to make it into a very nice top selling game, HOWEVER, to cancel a game after 9 months of devs and community have been working their butts off together in a joint collaboration then to slap them in the face, "Its just the harsh reality of the Gaming Industry" is not only discouraging to the fans that would want to join the Gaming industry later in the future, but is a kick in the face to everyone who "Wasted" their time. I close my statement with this, Capcom, you have made utter and piss poor decisions this past few weeks, If you want to make good ones, then don't do YOUR fanbase which made your company what it is, an injustice like this. Lets even bring up the subject of money shall we? Now I may only be just one person, but about 99.9% of the people that is petitioning for MML3 to be released is going to boycott your products, so let's take into instance, one game being around $40, times that by 20k users on the facebook page saying their not buying any games cause of these poor decisions, which equals 800k that is not going to your company, now imagine, that times the 2 or 3 games coming out by your company, that 2.4million dollars not going to your company cause of piss poor decisions. So Let's head back to commonsense shall we? 2.4 Million your company is losing, compared to actually making a game that IS going to make you money and the other franchises that won't take a beating from this backlash, How is that good business ethnics?


Ok I'm done now, I'm just rather annoyed with the utter stupidity and lack of commonsense.

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[...]15k amount of people isn't enough to make a game?[...]In all reality, Capcom is doing nothing more then covering its big corporate ass with excuses.


[...]From what I have gotten, the Dev rooms were suppose to help inspire gamers to get into the industry and work with developers on a game they all loved, to make it into a very nice top selling game, HOWEVER, to cancel a game after 9 months of devs and community have been working their butts off together in a joint collaboration then to slap them in the face.


[...]Ok I'm done now, I'm just rather annoyed with the utter stupidity and lack of commonsense.

Quote For the Truth.


EDIT: As if that weren't enough:


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I think Capcom has devolved into nothing but a lying, cheating company. Back during the NES to SNES days, they were pretty cool. But now...


I got it, Capcom is competing with Rare to see how many fans they can piss off.
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See that? That's now my first Legends game, a copy of the first one, which just arrived here this morning. And after so far foiling the Bonne's plans for the first time, I do not regret this purchase. No, I am glad I bought this game and am looking forward to getting Legends 2 and Misadventures - which I didn't even realize was released in Europe! - at some point as well. And hopefully Legends 3, too.


Edit: And also, I'm Servbot #010706: http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_capcom/go/thread/view/7371/28032805/Is_there_anything_the_fans_can_do_to_get_MegaMan_Legends_3_restarted&post_num=1043#503779229

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