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Decisive Media


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I think it's too widespread, too many topics and not enough people to talk about them.


Well, they're pretty much there for when the people come(the ones with those interests).


Because, say when they do, I might get stuff like:

"You say we can talk about anything here, so where do I talk about x, or x?"


So I am sort of being prepared, you know. But really, is that even a bad thing? D:


And I just got out of beta yesterday, so you can guess why there is not much people. :/

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Cool concept. I'd join, but your captcha is a complete mindfuck. I have no idea what you're supposed to do.


Oh, my. ._.


Well, that advanced captcha appears to have been broken, but now it's gone.


It makes me think, if any people tried to register, and just gave up after that. :S

I can check logs, but am too lazy. O:


You should be fine to register now.

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