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Disclaimed Fan Projects are illegal? (Read more inside)


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Even though I plan on going to law school, I could give less of a shit if making a fan game is breaking any laws. Unless that fan game shows potential and then is shut down by Nintendo's or any other company's lawyers, in which case, I give them a big "FUCK YOU!" and wave my middle finger all willy-nilly at the computer screen. And it'd probably apply to a disclaimed project, but I wouldn't know.
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Of all the mentioned projects in that article, the Chrono Trigger 3D remake was the only one to actually get a cease and desist order. OOT2D just kept hitting walls with 3D concepts not translating well into 2D. ZFGC is fairly well alive, and there's a community fangame that's picked up a lot of steam and is progressing really well.


Once you set something out into the world, you can either see fan projects as plagiarism or homage. The difference lies entirely with the intentions of the creator. I think people who make fan projects cop a lot of flak from the people who are just out to make money from someone else's idea, or even just steal it outright.

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Personally, I think that regardless of if we think it's illegal or not, it would be worth mentioning that to Nintendo and Miyamoto, it is illegal to them. So perhaps as a measure of "better safe than sorry", I think Zeth and his team should start covering up the URA project and keep it hush hush before the big "N" catches wind of URA's potential.


It would really piss us all off if URA were to get so close to a release and then get shut down by Nintendo's ban hammer o' disappointment.


Just my two cents.


To the URA team:


I think a good step would be to move all of your YouTube videos to the forums and delete whatever is left on YouTube, or maybe even "say" that URA's been cancelled to stray any of the big "N's" dogs off of your trail. Maybe even make the forums inaccessible to the public unless they register an account. I really don't want all of our patience, anticipation and your hard work go to waste because Nintendo has a point to prove.

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Since when did Nintendo care, especially about a Nintendo 64 game? There are loads of major hacks going on for other games too and I've never heard of Nintendo shutting any of those down.

Regardless, my opinion is that we should be able to make all the fan material we like as long as we're not making money from it.

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Since when did Nintendo care, especially about a Nintendo 64 game? There are loads of major hacks going on for other games too and I've never heard of Nintendo shutting any of those down.

Regardless, my opinion is that we should be able to make all the fan material we like as long as we're not making money from it.


I totally agree, beside, if anything was to get a C&D it would be brawl plus hacks due to it being on a console that is still on the market and selling games.
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Since when did Nintendo care, especially about a Nintendo 64 game? There are loads of major hacks going on for other games too and I've never heard of Nintendo shutting any of those down.

Regardless, my opinion is that we should be able to make all the fan material we like as long as we're not making money from it.


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I think a good step would be to move all of your YouTube videos to the forums and delete whatever is left on YouTube, or maybe even "say" that URA's been cancelled to stray any of the big "N's" dogs off of your trail. Maybe even make the forums inaccessible to the public unless they register an account. I really don't want all of our patience, anticipation and your hard work go to waste because Nintendo has a point to prove.

Ever seen how many bootleg games there are for Pokemon?


Yeah, we have nothing to worry about.

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