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Hmmmm... the relights an interest I developed years and years ago... back when I didn't know Zelda 64 hacks were even possible. I've always wanted that old, fake fan game where Oni was the protagonist and explain the past of the Deity and his ties with Majora and such. I should probably take up that project some time...
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I don't want to scare people off, but I am autistic. But that dosen't mean that I'm some desiesed freak, I'm just like anyone you ever met. I just have some troubles with some stuff. Like talking with other people, making friends, and telling what's the difference between insults and sarcasm. I am not extreamly autistc, I'm just on the scale. I'm not asking for any symphony, I'm just asking if everyone can be straight forward with me. But my autism is not a bad thing, it gives me a stronger love for what I like to do. And just to say it again, I DO NOT WANT ANY SYMPHONY!!!

Thank you.

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