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Our Final Destination

Shadow Fire

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Zidane's heart thumped in his chest, the blond deciding to lift Vivi into his arms, carrying him bridal style inside the hideout.


"Good..." he murmured contently. "I wasn't going to accept no for an answer."


Placing Vivi down on the bed he slept on, he slowly reached to Vivi's hat and took it off, smiling at the mage's features. His messy black hair, beautiful golden eyes and innocent child-like face made him seem incredibly young.


"Vivi?" he found himself asking. "I need to know... what is your age?"

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His heart pounding, Zidane found himself deepening the kiss, already wanting to be as close as he possibly could to his beloved.


I never realised that I'd feel this way about another guy... but being with Vivi just feels so... right.


He pulled out from the kiss to give a shudder as he felt something play with his tail.

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The tailed boy opened his eyes halfway, his own cheeks red as he continued to shudder, seeming to feel immense pleasure.


"V-Vivi..." he breathed out. "M-my tail... s-sensual... b-b-body..."


Gulping, Zidane tried to compose himself.


"My tail..." he repeated. "It's one of the most sensual parts of my body... and if you keep going... I may lose control... and make you mine..."

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It was the blond's turn to blush, and he could already feel his control slipping away.


"N-no..." he stammered. "But... I don't want to put you into this situation, especially if you're not ready."


With another shudder, he leaned forward and gently whispered into Vivi's ear.


"Unless..." he purred. "...if you're already wanting to be mated, keep going with what you're doing."

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Giving a soft animalistic growl, Zidane moved quickly, now straddling the mage, eyes locking onto Vivi's. Giving his smile, though it was now very seductive, he began removing his gloves, before moving one hand back to caress Vivi's face, the other hand beginning to unfasten his clothes.


"Mmmh..." he purred softly. "Are you sure... absolutely sure you want this?"

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A soft murr was heard from the mage as he felt the other's soft skin against his cheek, a much different feeling than the leather of his gloves. He felt his body shiver as the straps on his clothing was being loosened.


"I... I'm sure..." He nodded, though his moon pale skin was brightened with the color of red, "I... want... this... want you..."

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Zidane smiled wider, and hastened his movements. Within seconds, Vivi was totally exposed underneath him. He chuckled as he suddenly felt tugs at his clothing. It would appear that Vivi wanted him in the same condition. The thief decided to give his mage love some help, undoing his clothes, moments later being completely naked.


"Vivi..." he breathed. "How do you wish us to start?"


Zidane was being deliberately submissive at the moment, letting Vivi choose. His mind was slowly being clouded due to his tail being stroked, and he wanted Vivi to get full enjoyment out of it as well. Last thing he wanted was to ravage the young mage.

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His breaths becoming even more ragged, the thief gave another moan, craning his neck so he could watch Vivi do what he was doing.


"You're making me crazy..." he murmured. "I really want to be one with you..."


Zidane clenched his teeth together, before tracing his own fingers over the younger male's naked flesh, wanting Vivi to feel the pleasure too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vivi shivered a little bit, before he took a gentle hold of the other's member.


He had a pretty good idea of what he was supposed to do... he just hoped that Zidane enjoyed it... he was new to this after all.


The younger carefully opened his mouth, gently brushing his tongue against the other's aroused self.

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The thief was indeed enjoying himself. As Vivi gently gave his arousal the attention it was craving, he let out a soft whimper of pleasure.


"Viiiiiviiiiii..." he purred. "...f-f-feels... soooooo good..."


Zidane found himself gripping a hold of his bedsheets.


For someone without the experience... he... mmmh... knows what he's doing...

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