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Relocating actors - Problem



So, I was adding actors in the market (market_day_room_0.zmap) and I encountered a problem.

I tried to relocate the actors without adding new ones; the problem was still there. It must be linked to the relocating.


I'll explain my steps:


1. I change the actor starting offset (00 00 00 60) in the actor header to the end of the zmap ( 00 00 58 70).


2. I insert enough lines at the bottom to handle the market's actors (270 hexadecimal bytes (390 decimal bytes) for the 39 actors of the market).


3. I copy the actor data from offset 60 and paste it on offset 5870.


4. I relocate the end offset of the zmap in the zscene (02AE6670 + 270 = 02AE68E0).


The problem is, the room won't load the second time! That is, when I first enter the market, everything works fine, but when I leave the market through any exit (alley, castle, entry, house...) and re-enter it, it freezes (the music goes on, though) !


Thank you very much for reading, and thank you even more for help!

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624 = 0x270 != 390


Anyways, I've heard that maps prefer to have the display lists last, after the actors, objects etc. So... you're going to have to do some recalculation. IIRC cooliscool's ancient zeldaedit had a built-in recalculator, you could give it a shot.

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Oh...it means 270 in hexadecimal is equal to 624 and not to 390, right? But never mind, I made this mistake in my message but not in my rom.


Display lists after actors and objects...this sounds complicated (to me). I even don't know what a display list is. But thank you! I may try to find zeldaedit.

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624 = 0x270 != 390


Anyways, I've heard that maps prefer to have the display lists last, after the actors, objects etc. So... you're going to have to do some recalculation. IIRC cooliscool's ancient zeldaedit had a built-in recalculator, you could give it a shot.


No, the idea that the actors and groups had to be above the other resources was on OLD mistake. I was the first to make the mistake, right after Dark_Link-77 invented the method. I did not realize at the time what the real problem was.


Any resource can be anywhere in the map, and adding the actors to the bottom is actually the best method.



I keep saying it, though no one is listening, the CRC matters on anything that falls within the DMA memory mappings. I have a super easy fix(I hope to release tomorrow) but for now your maps may continue to fail, even if you do everything right. Don't give up! Help is on the way.


Hey spinout! How you been?

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No, the idea that the actors and groups had to be above the other resources was on OLD mistake. I was the first to make the mistake, right after Dark_Link-77 invented the method. I did not realize at the time what the real problem was.


Any resource can be anywhere in the map, and adding the actors to the bottom is actually the best method.



I keep saying it, though no one is listening, the CRC matters on anything that falls within the DMA memory mappings. I have a super easy fix(I hope to release tomorrow) but for now your maps may continue to fail, even if you do everything right. Don't give up! Help is on the way.


Hey spinout! How you been?


I've been great JSA, it's been good to see you back in the scene. I'd say drop into IRC but I'm hardly ever there, I think I'll PM you instead.


Anyways, the reason I suggested that the objects and actors had to be first was because of this post. As for the DMA table and the problems it creates, I have done a filesystem hack (z-filenew) and have been working on an application which works with the filesystem i.e. fixing inconsistencies between the DMA and scene(+map pointers)/object/actor/overlay tables, applying compression, extracting/inserting files, etcetera - z64-fm.

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I've been great JSA, it's been good to see you back in the scene. I'd say drop into IRC but I'm hardly ever there, I think I'll PM you instead.


Anyways, the reason I suggested that the objects and actors had to be first was because of this post. As for the DMA table and the problems it creates, I have done a filesystem hack (z-filenew) and have been working on an application which works with the filesystem i.e. fixing inconsistencies between the DMA and scene(+map pointers)/object/actor/overlay tables, applying compression, extracting/inserting files, etcetera - z64-fm.


Sorry, I guess the same problem is bound to happen more than once.


For the original game maps, actor relocation works fine though.

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