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Modifying foes



so uh.. Where exactly are the rom map values for us to edit in OoT for things like enemy HP and move speed? Stalfos are kinda.. Too easy.. Especially with their crappy AI. I wish there was a way to make em harder. They hardly even feel like a miniboss!


Anyone have any documentation for modifying foes?

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So is everything done in ASM? Things like the rom map are irrelevant to things like monster HP?


No. OoT's overlays just happen to be ELF binaries. Most other things (e.g. scenes, maps, objects, cutscenes, text, etc) can be modified quite easily without the use of ASM.
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Yes, all "foe modifications" must be done through (at least partial) ASM hacking.


Think of each "actor" as it's own executable. There is no "table" that says actor x has z health, actor y has n health. They each work in a different way. Don't think of it as "HP", either - Zelda! isn't an RPG. For all the actor cares, it could die depending on how well or how quickly you fight it.


btw, Stalfos have an amazing AI, only it's "reaction time" is slowed down. After playing any enemy in OoT more than 10 times it becomes quite easy to beat it.

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so uh.. Where exactly are the rom map values for us to edit in OoT for things like enemy HP and move speed? Stalfos are kinda.. Too easy.. Especially with their crappy AI. I wish there was a way to make em harder. They hardly even feel like a miniboss!


Anyone have any documentation for modifying foes?


Stalfos too easy? Try fighting them with 3 hearts, as a kid.

Ah, Xu_Yuan's Damage to enemies modifiers, used them to prove beta magics, and beta arrows.

The list was ground breaking, and allows for the creation of customized enemies. Far from perfect, someone really needs to go and map it out better.



We need to quit missplacing this information!!!

These are pretty standardized actor to actor. It's about an equal distance from enemy's damage to link in every actor if memory serves. I seem to think that enemy HP was found at one point too. I've experimented before,and found similar mappings for actors like torches, but with no practical use.

Enemies size is easy to mod. There was even a trick to making any enemy invisible once, again it's been LOST now.

Enemy speed was tougher, and it never got done right. GS cheats were used make two entries for the same actor with in the actor panels, making the actor move at double speed. I can't remember how well that worked in practice though. I think maybe it also doubled link's hits on the enemy, and doubled the enemies hits on link. Anyone care to find out? ASM wizards, is there a way to code a double load?

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Stalfos too easy? Try fighting them with 3 hearts, as a kid.

Ah, Xu_Yuan's Damage to enemies modifiers, used them to prove beta magics, and beta arrows.

The list was ground breaking, and allows for the creation of customized enemies. Far from perfect, someone really needs to go and map it out better.



We need to quit missplacing this information!!!

These are pretty standardized actor to actor. It's about an equal distance from enemy's damage to link in every actor if memory serves. I seem to think that enemy HP was found at one point too. I've experimented before,and found similar mappings for actors like torches, but with no practical use.

Enemies size is easy to mod. There was even a trick to making any enemy invisible once, again it's been LOST now.

Enemy speed was tougher, and it never got done right. GS cheats were used make two entries for the same actor with in the actor panels, making the actor move at double speed. I can't remember how well that worked in practice though. I think maybe it also doubled link's hits on the enemy, and doubled the enemies hits on link. Anyone care to find out? ASM wizards, is there a way to code a double load?


I'm pretty sure I can find a few documents laying around about some of this stuff... I have ALOT of old documents :D





Alright! In my lust to make Iron Knuckles into Gold Skulltulas (Long story, I'm sure you all don't want to hear it) I stumbled across something in the actor file which we've missed for quite a time...






Something I've wanted to find for so long! This is truly a dream come true! This works for all actors I've tested it on so far (a grand three...) Deku Nuts, Gerudo Fighters, and Ghoma!


The methodology is very simple...


To make things view through the Lens of Truth


Search for 01 97 at the start of GeldB's file, 00 15 is no more then a few hex away. Change that to 01 9C. These are Gerudo Fighters.


Search for 01 93 of Nutsball's file, 00 10 is no more then a few hex away. Change that to 01 9C. These are Deku Nuts shot at you from Deku Scrubs.


00 28 of Goma at the end of the file, search up for 00 28, 00 35 should be no more then a few hex away. Change that to 01 9C. Obviously Queen Ghoma. Have fun with this!


Only one glitch... If you press pause during the Ghoma fight, and go to unpause the game will freeze, I can't be sure why... In any case, that is the only glitch I saw of all of these, this did not occur while fighting the Gerudo Fighter.








^^Well there's something.
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Thanks! That is some great info! (Unfortunately, Lens of Truth is only fake difficulty.)


Here's a really peculiar question: Any info in regards to modifying Peahat behavior? Making them active during the night, for one? And changing how they aim at you?


The peahat has the potential to be an extraordinary enemy. However, when fighting one, they aim at your with their WEAK SPOT! They don't even aim at you with their blade! It would be nice to reverse this behavior where they turn away their weakspot from you.. And maybe increase the speeds of its behavior too. They're too slow to be a threat.


edit: Any way to disable the skullwulltula from exposing its weakpoint every few seconds? I've always found them to be an interesting enemy if you disregard the fact they expose their weakpoint. Imagine having to slash them first to stun them for a few moments then slash their back before they spin and hit you?

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