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Personally, I'd like to see Mojang and Euclideon working together. Minecraft is a great sandbox game, and pairing it with this engine would have spectacular consequences. I'm really looking forward to the SDK release to see what people will do with this. I'd like to get my own hands on it, but it probably won't be cheap.

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Some people seem to think there is no such thing as a good game without graphics. This is the ignorance, and honestly just plain idocy, that makes me fear for the future of gaming.


Let me take for example, notch. notch made a sandbox game with two features I adore. Simple down to earth graphics, and a creative nature. Minecraft didn't need fancy graphics, because the beauty of the game is in the simplicity. you can build whatever you want, live how you want and, my personal favorite, mod however you want. It's not a game about violence with enhanced bloody graphics, just a nice relaxing sandbox.

I'd even go so far as to state that some of the best games I've played had -no- graphics, just text.

In short, Don't bash or praise a game or it's creator based on graphical style. Because it's mechanics and inovation that make a game good, not particles of dust on the ground.

Edited by Rivan
ToS Breach
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Graphics may not be the be all and end all, but it's still some really nice eye candy. I honestly do think that Notch is probably feeling a little bit upstaged given how short a time it's been from the innovation of Minecraft to the new innovation of Unlimited Detail, however that is neither here nor there. Both systems have their merits, as much as Ganondork, Rivan and Leon are capable of having their own opinions. Please don't make this about your own inability to see each other's points of view.


I love both Minecraft and Unlimited Detail. If you're going to insist that the two can't coexist, or that you lot can't do the same, then I have a problem with that.

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I love both Minecraft and Unlimited Detail. If you're going to insist that the two can't coexist, or that you lot can't do the same, then I have a problem with that.

There will always be a place for retro graphics. Old 8-bit games being re-released for the Virtual Console on the 3DS are a prime example. As Arcaith said, graphics are not what make or break a game; sometimes gameplay really is enough to overhaul the enjoyability of the game. Hell, sometimes it's the low-quality graphics that actually make the game have its appeal (see Videlectrix from Homestar Runner, for example, many of their games are quite entertaining).

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Yes, guys, I know. I feel there may be some thoughts on me being a graphics whore, and I am by no means a graphics whore:

http://www.decisive-media.net/index.php?topic=9.msg18#msg18 <-- this will clear the air on the matter, if such a matter exists at all.


I am just thinking that my original post made it seem like I praise graphics. Meh.

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Wait, did I start an argument over just mentioning minecraft? I was just trying to mention that at times it looked like minecraft but with awesome graphics, not that minecraft's graphics suck. I am not a person who judges games by graphics. I personally think that minecraft's artstyle is quite sexy XD, Sorry about that.


(That video was quite amazing, forgot to say that on both posts I put up)

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Wait, did I start an argument over just mentioning minecraft? I was just trying to mention that at times it looked like minecraft but with awesome graphics, not that minecraft's graphics suck. I am not a person who judges games by graphics. I personally think that minecraft's artstyle is quite sexy XD, Sorry about that.


(That video was quite amazing, forgot to say that on both posts I put up)


No, I was the one who accidentally started it(really, I was). It's all in the past now, anywho.


On topic:

I hope this technology is used at least sometime in the near future. :D

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The main reason people are calling it fake is probably because the naysayers are thinking in terms of 3D as its been taught for years. The creator has next to no schooling in existing 3D systems, and has spent over a decade working on the thing solving the problem from the ground up. It's a new way of thinking about 3D.

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I think their killing point was saying that the model translated to the equivalent of about 16 trillion polygons. Of course that's entirely unrealistic using polygons, but as an analogy, compare resolution sizes of bitmaps versus JPEGs--both images can be of the same size and comparable detail, but one is vastly smaller in filesize. What's to say an algorithm can't be written similarly for 3D models instead of 2D images that creates more detail (in terms of resolution--or rather, in this case, in terms of atom count) and uses less space?

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Well personally I still think it's total BS. Assuming it is 4 times more efficient, and there are 16trillion polygons worth of data and every polygon is only a single bit (which we all no is not gonna happen.) that's still 465.661287 GB. Now in order to render that all at once you need to store it in memory.I've got 3gigs ram and 1gig vram looks like I'm 461.661287 short. You can believe that this is going to be a major breakthrough coming to console systems in the near future, but it won't be for quite some time. Not to mention, as Notch stated, animations are going to be a nightmare.

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Just wondering, how do you know it's real?


Notch has basically made his living working with this kind of stuff, and his calculations are accurate. Notch even went over what Naxy was saying about compression, by mentioning how they use multiple copies of the same set of points (that's basically what compression is at heart). I would strongly urge listening to what he says, he's not just saying it because he can.

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Just wondering, how do you know it's real?


Notch has basically made his living working with this kind of stuff, and his calculations are accurate. Notch even went over what Naxy was saying about compression, by mentioning how they use multiple copies of the same set of points (that's basically what compression is at heart). I would strongly urge listening to what he says, he's not just saying it because he can.


I got two words for you, when it comes to listening to Notch:

No thanks.


Honestly, do you have any idea how fast computer software can advance? It's no surprise people make breakthroughs like this, at all.

And this time I will say it in a much kinder way(please forgive me for how I did last time), so:

I am not really in the mood to listen to someone who makes a game that looks how it does, and doesn't bother to optimize it to run well

on older hardware(let's face it, it SHOULD). If he knows so much about what is possible and what's not when it comes to making sure graphics

don't bog down a system, you'd think he'd know how to optimize such a simple looking game properly. Meh, just what I think.


What makes my computer heat up more? I'll tell you:

Two tanks blowing up in my face in Crysis 1(or 2) on high settings; Heats up quite a bit, with some lag, yes. But not as much as...

Just walking around in Minecraft, digging holes and such; Heats up way more than Crysis 1(or 2) ever could, and manages to lag a lot, on many occasions.


So no, I am not listening to Notch when it comes to how well something would run.

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