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Skyward Sword - Second thoughts

Pinkie Pie

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Not too long ago, the next installment of one of the best video game series in history was announced. It was Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, much doubt was given when it first was shown. Many people expected a Link in HD, and when they saw the design the game had many people were extremely doubtful of the game and mainly criticized it for its graphics. But, now that it is on the horizon, as more information has been revealed, more people began to hype.


So far, it has been revealed that Skyward Sword would have a stamina system, upgrade-able items, deep Majora's Mask-esque characters and side quests, 50 to 100 hours of game play, fully orchestrated and even a second quest.




What do you guys think now of Skyward Sword? Does your opinion remain the same? or is this game really going to be THE Zelda that Twilight Princess failed to deliver?

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After watching the

and seeing some of the specific combat mechanics and character nuances, this actually looks like a pretty solid game. The realistic motion control seems to add a degree to the skill required in actually fighting, especially considering angle of attacks. This could be especially fun for the classical Dead Man's Volley games the series likes to sport.
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Sorry for this clashing opinion, but

Twilight Princess wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't quite as good as what it was expected to be. It was flawed, but still was a good game.


I don't see any more flaws in it than other Zelda games people praise. :/


Anywho, sorry I went off-topic. I'll contribute now:


I believe Skyward Sword will be an amazing Zelda game, possibly better than TP. But I am not too happy about having to buy a Wii Motion Plus to play the game.

But I guess I will have to put up with that and enjoy the benefits it gives me.

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I believe Skyward Sword will be an amazing Zelda game, possibly better than TP. But I am not too happy about having to buy a Wii Motion Plus to play the game

But I guess I will have to put up with that and enjoy the benefits it gives me.


That's news to me, is it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY or only for certain things? How much does that.... nonsense cost anyway?

*Googles it.*

Average of $19.99.

*sigh* I don't mind, but man, Mom's gonna be mad....

Anyway, I think it looks to be an awesome game that incorporates a bit of Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and Shadow of the Colossus, as well as a few unique details. Twilight Princess had a few flaws, including Hyrule Castle Town. The music there = fail (That may be my own personal taste, though....), most models were repeats, and the characters seemed more comical (In a bad way) than the ones in Wind Waker. It was a wonderful game otherwise. But yeah, I can't wait to fly on a bird, fight giant whale things covered in eyes, and some black.... thing.

Here's a Few Screens:







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I wish we could just use the Gamecube controller.


Yeah, I actually agree. The only thing that is going to make using the Wiimote fun is the Motion Plus addon.

The way attacking in the Wii version of TP felt was just... sloppy, but SS seems to have fixed that. But still, the ability to use a GameCube or Classic controller would be swell.



You also forgot about the camera angle in Castle Town.

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I don't see why so many people attack the artstyle. I've liked it from the start.


The complaint probably stems from the unwelcome juxtaposition of Twilight Princess models given cel-shaded Wind Waker-style textures. These are probably the same people that despise the mere existence of Toon Link. Personally, I'm getting used to (and actually somewhat fond of) the surreal artistic presentation.
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One of the things I personally don't like about so far is the fact that their isn't a real time day and night system, other than that I don't have a problem with the game and expect it to be top notch.


This makes sense both in the context of the game and from a developing standpoint. In the latter case, that's probably going to be implemented later because it isn't as important to show off in tech demos for the most part. In the former case, Skyworld is supposed to be pretty far up in the clouds above ground, so it's anyone's guess as to how much it's affected by gravity in an orbital sense. For all we know it could always be in sunlight, thereby resulting in no day-to-night transition. That was essentially the excuse used with City in the Sky in Twilight Princess, anyway, so for consistency's sake they might recycle this reasoning for the purposes of Skyward Sword's setting.


Either way, when they do implement environment shading with day-night transitions, I'm sure the surreal art style will blend well with the ambience.

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I really do love the art style. But my only complaint is that Link's face looks really.. Well, odd. Just have a look at it. It makes him look evil, or something. It just looks really odd.


On the other hand, they got everything ELSE with graphics spot on and perfect, so I can't complain much.


I really hope they get it right and make Zelda NOT a Damsel of distress this time. Give us Shiek back or something. and have Zelda show off her awesome ninja skills, or archery. I mean, she can teleport, create fire, and SHOOT ARROWS OF PURE LIGHT! And that's only in her princess form alone! Even her pirate form wasn't too bad!

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