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What are we showing kids these days?

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Is this sappost to be funny? Make you cry, get you mad, or just laugh, lol.

Honestly though, I just dont understand people having a problem with spongebob, I don't know if they just want funny or serious.

Were living in world with much more scarier things if you just walk outside, and no one gives a crap, hahaha.( ex. pollution), and now people have a problem with spongebob? Does anyone in this world really take a silly cartoon like spongebob seriously? I would actualy like someone not agreeing with me so I can understand why.

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The point is that this can scare the shit out of a kid, give them nightmares, and so on. The point of Spongebob is to be funny and appealing to kids and so on. Does that look funny and appealing to you? No, quite frankly, it looks scary. Yes, simply going outside you can see scarier things, you are right about that. But can one not be within their own home, safe from such things? Especially as a child. Now, I don't agree with shielding kids from the real world in the least, seeing as how my parents let me watch Zombie movies at the age of four, and I wouldn't be the same person as I am hadn't they exposed me to such things at a young age. Myself as I turned out would probably hate the person I could've turned out to be... the thought makes me sick to my stomach. So I both agree and disagree with your statement, younglinkx.

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Is this sappost to be funny? Make you cry, get you mad, or just laugh, lol.

Honestly though, I just dont understand people having a problem with spongebob, I don't know if they just want funny or serious.

Were living in world with much more scarier things if you just walk outside, and no one gives a crap, hahaha.( ex. pollution), and now people have a problem with spongebob? Does anyone in this world really take a silly cartoon like spongebob seriously? I would actualy like someone not agreeing with me so I can understand why.


Look, I disagree, for more than one reason:

  1. Some people may have a problem when their kids are afraid to go to sleep because they've had too many nightmares, and know they'll have another if they sleep. This happens to a lot of people if they have too many nightmares.
  2. No, man. There are plenty of people "giving a crap" about things like pollution, the war on drugs, war on terrorism, serial killers, serial rapists, and scary things like that(I felt I had to make more examples than you did), a lot of people.
  3. Parents have a right to be concerned for their children.
  4. Yes, if my kids kept on having nightmares that could scare the ever-loving life out of them, I would worry about them watching Spongebob, and take the show seriously.
  5. There is my argument, you are free to make a counter-argument. :D

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Is this sappost to be funny? Make you cry, get you mad, or just laugh, lol.

Honestly though, I just dont understand people having a problem with spongebob, I don't know if they just want funny or serious.

Were living in world with much more scarier things if you just walk outside, and no one gives a crap, hahaha.( ex. pollution), and now people have a problem with spongebob? Does anyone in this world really take a silly cartoon like spongebob seriously? I would actualy like someone not agreeing with me so I can understand why.

Pretty sure that article is just saying that sometimes a children's television show can be somewhat terrifying, not more terrifying than all the world's real horrors as Ganondork mentioned.

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Pfft as spongebob was scary at all. People need to relax a bit, hell I watched scarier stuff as a kid and THAT SHIT gave me nightmares. See picture below.

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Agreed. Even the sponge bob creepypasta wasn't even the slight bit creepy. I don't think pasta's are creepy anyway, but they do have that very slight bit of creepyness, which the spongebob one didn't have. Why? BECAUSE IT IS SPONGBOB :D
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Question: Are we limited to just nightmare fuel-ish things, or can we post other things that we feel are inappropriate for children to be watching?

If the answer is the latter then I've got a good example of how a beloved children's show went down the toilet in the past few years. No I don't mean Spongebob or FoP.

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You can post anything that is inappropriate for kids as long as you don't go beyond GCN rules, but Nightmare fuel just interests me the most. Still, Dumbo and that chocolate factory thing scarred me for life, although I don't know why they scared me but Tim Burton didn't.... And Zeth, wth is that thing?


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What are those, some kind of fucked up Tremors? *shudders*

These are Langoliers, creatures created by Steven King which, in the book and movie of the same title, eat the past to avoid the universe getting cluttered, essentially.


..something tells me people here are taking that innocent creepy pasta-ish thing a bit too seriously...

Sounds about right. Creepypasta is just for entertainment purposes only. As TV Tropes only too often points out, your mileage may vary, so drink responsibly.

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You can post anything that is inappropriate for kids as long as you don't go beyond GCN rules, but Nightmare fuel just interests me the most.

Gotcha. I shall now proceed. Incoming rant!

I am honest to God appalled at how awful my favorite childhood show has become. It used to be very realistic and stuck close to its origins as a children's book series. For those still confused: I'm ranting about Thomas the Tank Engine. The original series had episodes mostly based off the original stories for about the first 4 Seasons (most of which were based on their book counterparts), but in Season 5 deviated away from the book roots, and became slightly more unrealistic. (Indiana Jones-style boulder chases with trains, anyone?)

But it's at the hands of the current owners, HiT, that have made this show just unbearable. They now stick to a rigid 3 strike formula, which can be easily changed up just by changing the job assigned and character. Here's how it rolls now: character gets "special special", fouls up 3 times, goes back to fix whatver they screwed up, and everyone laughs at the end. Another noticable thing is the bad gammar ("I feel badly"), overuse of rhyming and repetition, hollow, undeveloped characters being constantly introduced to make merch of, a severe lack of the characters' original personalities, and worst of all, no sense of realism or logic for a railway. I.E. leaving the workshop while being worked on, nearly causing the men to fall off their ladders and be seriously injured.

Just for comparision of the original kinds of stories and new formulated kind, here are two episodes, the pilot of the first Season (shot back in the 80's with models), and the closing episode of the most recent (rendered beautifully in CGI by Nitrogen Studios in Canada.)

Nitrogen's animation may be beautiful and the animators may love the classic series and original books, but the writing really lets them down.

And there we go, this is why I prefer the original Railway Series books today. The latest one was actually published earlier this year, and definitely blew the now-craptastic TV counterpart out of the water.

End rant.

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These are Langoliers, creatures created by Steven King which, in the book and movie of the same title, eat the past to avoid the universe getting cluttered, essentially.


Guess I missed one of Mister King's works somehow. I'll have to read the book some time. They still look like fucked up Graboids, though...
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Meh, I saw scarier crud than that in my life.

Well try seeing that show when your like 6 years old and you see these things eating the land and coming for the people, their teeth moving along their gumline like its a chainsaw....yeah scared the shit out of me as a kid, but now, not so much as I seen a lot worse then them.
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Well try seeing that show when your like 6 years old and you see these things eating the land and coming for the people, their teeth moving along their gumline like its a chainsaw....yeah scared the shit out of me as a kid, but now, not so much as I seen a lot worse then them.

Hmmm, I could agree, people always shit their pants when they see stuff like that at 6, but now at an older age, it's laughable enough.

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When I was a little kid, I would sometimes take a peek when my dad watched horror movies, although he did not like it. He didn't want me to get scarred. Even though every time there was a death, something jumping up at you, stuff like that, I would just laugh thinking it was funny :D . I don't think I knew the concept of a horror movie back then...

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