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The next Zelda game should star Young Link


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I'm sick and tired of young Link only appearing in Cel-Shaded games after Majoras Mask. I would like to see a 'realistic' style Zelda game with young Link instead of adult Link for once. I think the design would look awesome and it would be more with the original idea of Zelda, which is a child going on a huge adventure. It feels like a more creative fresh world playing as young link then it does adult Link. Do any of you agree or disagree? Why?
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I disagree. For one, the idea of young Link changing the feel of the world makes no sense to me. And second, I always prefer my protagonists to be adults in Zelda games.


When you play as young Link the world feels like a huge adventure and as you keep on playing you keep on maturing in a spiritual kind of way. You actually feel you have no experience at all when you first play the game, when at the end your a master swordsmen, and it gives off much more story development and awe ness to the character your playing as, as they start growing up. I feel that there's been too much of toon Link and adult Link as now its feeling bland. I would like to see young Link again as pretty much all the games hes been in have been considered some of the best Zelda games created.



If he was 13-15, I would agree. I don't want him too young, unless it was like MM.Somehow, when a game is dark, it's a bit more shocking with a child protagonist.


That would be interesting and I wouldn't mind, as long as they keep the small kid big world theme to it, then its gold.
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When you play as young Link the world feels like a huge adventure and as you keep on playing you keep on maturing in a spiritual kind of way. You actually feel you have no experience at all when you first play the game, when at the end your a master swordsmen, and it gives off much more story development and awe ness to the character your playing as, as they start growing up. I feel that there's been too much of toon Link and adult Link as now its feeling bland. I would like to see young Link again as pretty much all the games hes been in have been considered some of the best Zelda games created.




Yeaah I still don't see the age of the hero really making a difference. Link always starts out as a newbie in the beginning of the game, anyways, even if he did have some training, he was always living a quiet life and is suddenly thrown into a huge adventure.
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I really don't see what you mean by "young link = big world." Seeing as how Twilight Princess's Hyrule and Wind Waker's Great Sea both blew my damn mind... although Toon Link is young Link in my book, he isn't in yours, so that's why I'm bringing that up. And hell, Skyloft looks massive to me... so the point is, I really don't agree with your whole "young Link makes the world big and immersive," when I was just as immersed, if not more, in Twilight Princess's and Wind Waker's worlds that the Hyrule seen in Ocarina of Time... I can't really say about Majora's Mask, though... since its my own favorite, and its story is incredibly deep, and so on and so forth... but I can say that if Adult Link was the player character in Majora's Mask, it would be just as immersive.



Age doesn't matter, the world is big and immersive if it is big and immersive, not if Link is young.

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I really don't see what you mean by "young link = big world." Seeing as how Twilight Princess's Hyrule and Wind Waker's Great Sea both blew my damn mind... although Toon Link is young Link in my book, he isn't in yours, so that's why I'm bringing that up. And hell, Skyloft looks massive to me... so the point is, I really don't agree with your whole "young Link makes the world big and immersive," when I was just as immersed, if not more, in Twilight Princess's and Wind Waker's worlds that the Hyrule seen in Ocarina of Time... I can't really say about Majora's Mask, though... since its my own favorite, and its story is incredibly deep, and so on and so forth... but I can say that if Adult Link was the player character in Majora's Mask, it would be just as immersive.






Age doesn't matter, the world is big and immersive if it is big and immersive, not if Link is young.



Young Link and toon Link are two completely different people.


Brawl and Melee prooves it.


Yes age doesn't matter to an extent, but adds more.


If Link was younger in SS you would see more development in him maturing, rather than him already being almost fully matured and knowing most of the world around him. Dont forget your comparing old n64 games to the new ones, also Zelda Gaiden looked to be one of the biggest zelda games yet with seven whole days. Would playing as an middle age or old man make a difference?

It would certainly make a difference since it takes away from the big world factor.

What I mean when I say being Young Link takes you to a bigger world is that, you need to be able to adapt and mature to understand the world, when you know nothing about the world you explore, but things seem much more intense and bigger when your at such a young age.

You can only get so much out of exploration when your an adult, but when your a kid things seem more exiting and new.

Like how Link matured to an adult at the end of OOT even though he was a kid.

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Uhm, I think what he meant was since every Toon Link we've seen is a child, he is a kid form of Link, therefore, he is "young Link".


Also, I am really curious why you're pushing your child immersion theory off as fact, when it is an opinion. :/


It makes no difference to me how old the character is, and let me tell you something important:

It's very hard to find signs of a mute maturing, and just because they went off on a big adventure, it doesn't mean they did/will.

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I think the point is that when playing as a younger Link, the world feels a whole lot bigger, since you subconsciously remember how big things seemed when you were younger. I for one can recall being shorter than the countertops in my mum's kitchen, and how much bigger the world felt back then; especially given that I'm now twice as tall as said countertops. It's inferred therefore, that a younger character has more to learn and grow. It's not explicitly stated.

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Uhm, I think what he meant was since every Toon Link we've seen is a child, he is a kid form of Link, therefore, he is "young Link".


Also, I am really curious why you're pushing your child immersion theory off as fact, when it is an opinion. :/


It makes no difference to me how old the character is, and let me tell you something important:

It's very hard to find signs of a mute maturing, and just because they went off on a big adventure, it doesn't mean they did/will.


Especially since Link is well..pretty much silent throughout the adventure. Wind Waker Link did change though, but that's pretty much the only Link who matured visibly.
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I'm going to have to go ahead and say I disagree because of what Arcaith said. In Ocarina of time when you went from young to adult Link, the game got much darker. And believe you me, I love dark story, which is why Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask were my favorite Zelda games. That brings me to another point, young link worked perfectly in Majora's Mask but it wouldn't have been the game it was without the masks obviously. So if another Zelda game were to only involve Link as Young Link, it would have to have a unique mechanic and story to accommodate a darker story. And besides, I want this Link to be the star of the next Zelda game:

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Seeking Hyrule by ~TheEclipse

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Uhm, I think what he meant was since every Toon Link we've seen is a child, he is a kid form of Link, therefore, he is "young Link".


Also, I am really curious why you're pushing your child immersion theory off as fact, when it is an opinion. :/


It makes no difference to me how old the character is, and let me tell you something important:

It's very hard to find signs of a mute maturing, and just because they went off on a big adventure, it doesn't mean they did/will.


Once again you can compare Melee and Brawl, so their IS a difference, so it certainly IS fact.

If you have no sense of heart with the difference between young Link and adult Link and wont give a proper reason why, I suggest you play all of the original Zelda games again and really think.

Their isnt really a difference between toon Link and young Link.

Toon Link is more comedetic to play as but less serious, and young Link is a little more serious mysterious and a little between toon Link and adult link.


"I'm going to have to go ahead and say I disagree because of what Arcaith said. In Ocarina of time when you went from young to adult Link, the game got much darker. And believe you me, I love dark story, which is why Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask were my favorite Zelda games. That brings me to another point, young link worked perfectly in Majora's Mask but it wouldn't have been the game it was without the masks obviously. So if another Zelda game were to only involve Link as Young Link, it would have to have a unique mechanic and story to accommodate a darker story. And besides, I want this Link to be the star of the next Zelda game:"


It really ticks me off when all people can remember from that game is FD Link and nothing really else when you only play as him for close to five minuets.

Would you play as a lvl 100 god in a game and have no experience of development? Or would you want to develop your character to understand the world and be a lvl 100 at the end of the game.

Link was still developing in MM, he met lots of new people and helped them, understanding more of the world hes living in, and it was mostly because he was a kid.

Growing stronger and developing is the beauty of this, and if you don't have the nerve to try to think about it that really is a terrible experience your going through.

I will say it once again, all the games young Link has been in has been considered one of the best Zelda games and it would be great to see him again at least once to prove people wrong and to do the game justice.

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Once again you can compare Melee and Brawl, so their IS a difference, so it certainly IS fact.

If you have no sense of heart with the difference between young Link and adult Link and wont give a proper reason why, I suggest you play all of the original Zelda games again and really think.


Okay, it's now just starting to seem that you are trying to shove your opinion up our faces and say that it is a fact.


Honestly, I do not care if Link is a child or not. He still goes through many great experiences, and he always starts out the game knowing nothing about the world beyond. The age doesn't really matter, it's the experience they go through. Link is a link to the players, and however Link matures or is at the beginning and end of the game, is again, entirely up the player. Because really, he's just a computer generated model, it's up the player's imagination to give him personality, I mean who knows, really?

When I'm talking to characters, I always imagine myself as Link and of course, make Link think the way I want. I could make him a jerk or a nice guy. He's Link, a link to the players.

And before you say; "But because he's a child, and because a lot of Zelda players were children when they played, he related to them better."

Uh, yeah, again, Link to the player, and knowing children, they don't think too much of the age of the protagonist, they think about the experience. When I was a kid playing as adult Link, I didn't really care, all I was thinking was "More adventure!" and just wanted to continue playing. Now that I'm older, I still think the same thing.

"More adventure!"

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Once again you can compare Melee and Brawl, so their IS a difference, so it certainly IS fact. If you have no sense of heart with the difference between young Link and adult Link and wont give a proper reason why, I suggest you play all of the original Zelda games again and really think. Their isnt really a difference between toon Link and young Link. Toon Link is more comedetic to play as but less serious, and young Link is a little more serious mysterious and a little between toon Link and adult link. "I'm going to have to go ahead and say I disagree because of what Arcaith said. In Ocarina of time when you went from young to adult Link, the game got much darker. And believe you me, I love dark story, which is why Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask were my favorite Zelda games. That brings me to another point, young link worked perfectly in Majora's Mask but it wouldn't have been the game it was without the masks obviously. So if another Zelda game were to only involve Link as Young Link, it would have to have a unique mechanic and story to accommodate a darker story. And besides, I want this Link to be the star of the next Zelda game:" It really ticks me off when all people can remember from that game is FD Link and nothing really else when you only play as him for close to five minuets. Would you play as a lvl 100 god in a game and have no experience of development? Or would you want to develop your character to understand the world and be a lvl 100 at the end of the game. Link was still developing in MM, he met lots of new people and helped them, understanding more of the world hes living in, and it was mostly because he was a kid. Growing stronger and developing is the beauty of this, and if you don't have the nerve to try to think about it that really is a terrible experience your going through. I will say it once again, all the games young Link has been in has been considered one of the best Zelda games and it would be great to see him again at least once to prove people wrong and to do the game justice.


How about a hell no? Your opinion is NOT A FACT.


Also, I am genuinely curious why you asked for people's opinions, and then respond to them incredibly rudely, basically telling us they're false and what you believe to be fact.

Grow up, and next time don't ask for people's opinions if you know you'll act this way, child.


You know, I think this topic should be locked, as it's obvious why he even made it at all.

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I'm not going to close the topic, simply because you Ganondork and younglinkx are being argumentative. What I -am- going to do however, is give you a verbal warning to calm down and be civil toward each other. Stop seeing difference of opinion as a personal attack. You both play the game differently. There. Your points are made. Perhaps other people would like to contribute to the discussion, too.

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Okay, okay. Fair enough.


Well, I will just continue to not shove my opinion down people's throats when someone else in here brings up an interesting point, and I have something to go on.


Sorry my suggestion hurts you but seriously you need to chill down.

Thanks for telling me one of my flaws, il try to approve apon "shoving opinions down people's throughts" before I start making topics

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