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You'll lose faith in humanity

Pinkie Pie

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Posted ImageYeah, the other ones just made me laugh and die a little on the inside... but this one really set me off. The... person ( I hesitate to call the demon that made this a human being ) actually thinks J.K. is her name? Dumbshit. Publishing companies of that day and age refused to print the entire name of an author whose name was obviously a woman's, fearing that young boys would not want to read a book written by a woman. You see this with many, many books of that time. I just want to punch that... person in the face.

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I like how all the points this person brings up doesn't make one lick of sense. All this proves is that 10 years olds do get on the internet unsupervised by parents. lol


There's two DIFFERENT paths you can take: Advance from the things you see, or go down into a deep idiotic state as you try to act older than you really are. Now, you could just stay the same if you don't try anything too dangerous...
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  • 2 weeks later...

what the hell,

harry potter was written first (lolz)

Not casting a black actor for Sirious black is not racist, maybe it could've been that no black person applied for the role?

storing books in treasure chests what's the problem?

Like we are pirates and wizards and other stuff that doesn't exist, ok.. pirates DO exist

lemme see.... fuck... not gonmna point out everything.--



Point is he's a retard:

No logics at all

horrible spelling!

apparently he doesn't even have half a brain.....

and so on and so on.....

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Am I the only one who noticed that is not J.K Rowling in the picture? That's Jennifer Aniston

Also anyone would be able to tell, bitchs be trolling


Also did you know they changed the name of the first book/movie for the US because they thought kids would not want to read a book about a Philosopher's Stone

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