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So far I think the Vita crushes the 3ds.


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Now before you get your Nintendo pitch forks and torches please understand to read the points carefully and that this is my opinion.

The very first time I heard of the Vita I never really thought it would be that great, but it has proven me wrong in so many ways.

The 3ds is a respectable device and has better graphical power than the original ds and dsi, slightly better internet connectoin, one analog stick,3d, a home menu button, AR, and lots of useful built in software for travling or just resting at home.


The problems with the 3ds is that, it doesnt already come with a another analog stick ( you can buy another one for 20$ ), the internet connectoin didnt really improve that much at all even though it is next gen, the 3d effect just felt like a nuiscence and gimick and it feels like instead of implementing 3d they could of made even better specs on the 3ds so I usualy turn the 3d off,

the increase in price of games is really not to my liking so im not really buying any 3ds games unless they are REALLY good. I honestly don't know why Nintendo didn't make the 3ds region free, I mean more people are going to pirate their games so they can play those titles, and the ds was region free and was a HUGE success.


The PS vita on the other hand to the 3ds has better internet connection, better AR, two slider pads come with it instead of buying another one for 20$, the graphics are almost comparable to the ps3 ( like gamecube to wii graphics), REGION FREE, a HUGE line up of games for the launch, back touch screen, your able to play some of your ps3 games on it.


Im more exited for the Vita than I was exited for the 3ds, playing awesome out of region games especially, and that will encourage me to buy more of their games for example "Tales of Innocence R".


Do you think the Vita crushes the 3ds? Yes? No? Why?

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How can the vita crush something when its not even out to prove a point of how it performs? Hell it could only look pretty and when it comes out be a pile of steaming shit and bomb terribly. No one will know until its been out furthermore, I think the systems shouldn't be pitted against each other as it just creates controversity when there is no need. Each handheld can be seen differently depending on the needs of the gamer.

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Even though the Vita might perform well in terms of power admittedly, I think what matters more is the games themselves.

The 3DS seems to have a more decent libary of games in store IMO but yeah, what Pinkie said.


Ok heres a list:

Army Crops Of Hell

Tales of Innocence R

Time Travelers

Final Fantasy X

Mortal Kombat

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Super Monkey Ball

Silent Hill: Book Of Memories

Street Fighter X Tekken

Persona 4: The Golden

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Dragon's Crown

and many others I dont bother to mention.


Its my perspective of the Vita so far, I cant really judge it until it comes out. Just like how you guys hype for SS.

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The only Vita games I am going to get(of course, I mean AT FIRST) whenever I actually own a Vita, are:


Mortal Kombat

Final Fantasy X

Uncharted: Golden Abyss


And game series I would like to see on the Vita:

Grand Theft Auto

Saints Row

Star Wars

Elder Scrolls(something like the PSP game that got canceled, but actually open world).


I can think of more for both lists, but meh, too lazy.

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Personally, no games on Vita make me say "ooh, I wanna buy this!", while - at the very latest when Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 are out - there's some for 3DS that do exactly that. And while you can already compare the machines based on specs and the like, those don't necessarily matter - as mentioned above, look at the original PSP. Faster CPU, better graphics, etc., etc., yet it pretty much bombed in the west and AFAIK only really stayed afloat in Japan thanks to Monster Hunter.


The one thing that I can and will blame Nintendo for is region locking. I'd really want to play Senran Kagura at some point (yes, that game) but I fear that I won't be able to - short of by importing a Japanese 3DS or waiting for a region-indifferent flash cart to arrive - since I'm not sure if any publishers would be willing to bring this over.

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Ok heres a list:

Army Crops Of Hell

Tales of Innocence R

Time Travelers

Final Fantasy X

Mortal Kombat

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Super Monkey Ball

Silent Hill: Book Of Memories

Street Fighter X Tekken

Persona 4: The Golden

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Dragon's Crown

and many others I dont bother to mention.


Its my perspective of the Vita so far, I cant really judge it until it comes out. Just like how you guys hype for SS.

I think you misunderstood what I meant, I know that it has some games, but I'm saying that power is not what decides weather it's good or not, the games do. And it seems that the Vita might have some decent games coming out like the 3DS.

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Ocarina of Time 3D, Cave Story 3D, Tales of the Abyss 3D, and many... many others are enough to make me long for the day I can buy myself a shiny blue 3DS for me own... and so far the only games that would make me consider buying a Vita are Silent Hill and Final Fantasy X, granted I haven't looked at the lineup... but I doubt it will surpass the 3DS games I long for. Point stated, I do not feel the need to elaborate further, because it will end up being at least three pages long and will likely get me a shiny new warn.
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Software and battery life are the two clinchers for me in terms of portable gaming. I need something that will play the games I enjoy for a long period of time away from a power outlet. Don't really care about internet connectivity. Cross platform connectivity with a console is interesting.

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You can also play some ps3 games on Vita, the Vita is a portable system so you are able to play portable games on the go, super smash bros Wii u and 3ds are doing the same thing so you wont be getting a Nintendo Wii U or 3ds anymore?

I tackled everything about how the Vita beats the 3ds in terms of power by doing almost everything the 3ds does except better, now the only thing people can defend about the 3ds is the software witch is the main reason people love Nintendo.

Nintendo and its exclusives always come out on top but their are fewer games people care about. Obviously everyone here would prefer Nintendo software against Vita software because of Mario,Zelda and a few others and this site has "I prefer Nintendo" all over it.

Anyone can choose what software is better so it would only come to a persons taste, but besides the software being arguable Il have to say the Vita will offer more in terms of specs.

But tell me people, if software is so important why does the hardware cost so much for the 3ds? Why cant we get a 3ds that sucks in everything except playing the games you love?

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You can also play some ps3 games on Vita, the Vita is a portable system so you are able to play portable games on the go, super smash bros Wii u and 3ds are doing the same thing so you wont be getting a Nintendo Wii U or 3ds anymore?

I tackled everything about how the Vita beats the 3ds in terms of power by doing almost everything the 3ds does except better, now the only thing people can defend about the 3ds is the software witch is the main reason people love Nintendo.

Nintendo and its exclusives always come out on top but their are fewer games people care about. Obviously everyone here would prefer Nintendo software against Vita software because of Mario,Zelda and a few others and this site has "I prefer Nintendo" all over it.

Anyone can choose what software is better so it would only come to a persons taste, but besides the software being arguable Il have to say the Vita will offer more in terms of specs.

But tell me people, if software is so important why does the hardware cost so much for the 3ds? Why cant we get a 3ds that sucks in everything except playing the games you love?

This cannot be confirmed because the Vita isn't even out yet. No one knows whether it will actually perform better or not. Let me convey an important fact to you: There are three kinds of lies. There are simple lies, damn lies, and the worst of all, statistics. Never trust a list of planned hardware specs; the de facto performance almost always deviates from the projection.


Regarding your last comment... what? Why would anyone want a 3DS that "sucks in everything" except games? Unless you mean to say that's what it already does? In which case I heartily disagree; its inclusion of an internet browser is something I find very convenient when I need to look up a guide for my games and don't have another computer nearby, or just would like to check email or anything else online. The other minigame applications are also a great way to kill time, in my experience. The eShop has a lot of useful and entertaining tools. The camera features and audio players are also pretty cool. So, no, I have to disagree that the 3DS is only good for gaming.


Also, I find your argument a little difficult to follow. You talk about software and hardware almost interchangeably, as if they automatically balance one another, and provide one point after another with little to no connection with previous statements. Perhaps it's fatigue speaking, but I really cannot find much substance in what you're saying other than general disdain for Nintendo and their products.

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I tackled everything about how the Vita beats the 3ds in terms of power by doing almost everything the 3ds does except better, now the only thing people can defend about the 3ds is the software witch is the main reason people love Nintendo.


Power doesn't mean anything. Again:


67 (DS)/133 (DSi) MHz ARM9 and 33MHz ARM7 -vs- two switchable 1-333 MHz MIPS R4000-based chips (main CPU and Media Engine)?

4 (DS)/16 (DSi) MB SRAM -vs- 32 (PSP-1000)/64 (PSP-2000+) MB DDR-RAM?

Two 256x192, 4:3 displays -vs- 480x272, 16:9 display?



In short: DS -vs- PSP?


Believe it or not, software is what matters most, admittedly closely followed by the price point. If the Vita would be, say, 50 bucks cheaper than the 3DS, Nintendo would really have a problem, but seeing how the proper Vita is at around 300 bucks (299€, 299$) and even the Wi-Fi only model is at 250, the 3DS at now 170 has quite a bit less to fear than before the price cut.


And before you accuse me of Nintendo bias as well, I do say that technically and at 250 (because I don't need 3G) the Vita does look very tempting, but I care about what I will be playing on the system. I don't care about Killzone, Uncharted, Mortal Kombat, most Final Fantasy games, etc. and the only game that looked mildly interesting was ModNation Racers, and that was mainly for its track editor using the rear touchpad - and even then I thought, Nintendo should make a 3DS F-Zero with touch-controlled track editor. So that tells me that the Vita isn't for me. On the other hand, for instance, the Mario games are almost always very good, Mario Kart 7 I simply need - the MKDS bundle was why I finally gave in and got a DS Phat back in the day -, Kid Icarus looks pretty fun as well, and the possibility of hopefully getting a new (non-Other M-style?) Metroid and a new F-Zero is what drives me to the 3DS. Also, Mega Man Legends 3, which I still want to give Capcom my zenny Euro for.

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I think you people are misunderstanding and are to stubborn to see the point, in the title it says what I think of the Vita So Far and the improvements it made on the psp and 3ds. The Vita beats the 3ds in specs and that is fact, end of story their. It is an extremely good price for really good tech the Vita has and if no one likes the price, it will eventually go down in time. The Vita has almost everything the 3ds has except better. Sure you could compare the psp to ds, but that was last gen. Maybe the Vita will suck in specs or some other things but it feels like its giving more than the 3ds. I honestly dont now why people just dont think the Vita will do great with so much of the things it has, and think the 3ds is the best if all time. Its giving over 15 new titles and amazing specs and it gets spitted in the face.

I dont see the point of this thread anymore because its just going to go down in the sea of an endless argument.

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