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So far I think the Vita crushes the 3ds.


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So this is simply just another thread where you try to force-feed your opinion onto other people? You aren't even allowing any argument here. If you just want to state your opinion as fact, get a blog and disable commenting. Also...


I honestly dont now why people just dont think the Vita will do great with so much of the things it has, and think the 3ds is the best if all time. Its giving over 15 new titles and amazing specs and it gets spitted in the face.

Simple: All things considered, it's pretty likely that history is going to repeat itself. Software sells a system, so what truly exclusive and unique must-have titles does Vita have? Those that take advantage of the Vita's portability, feature set and all that? I honestly can't think of any actual games here, just some of the tech demos they've shown so far. Come on, even you have to admit that if you have the choice between playing ex. Uncharted on a portable or on a big HD TV, you'd pick the HD TV.


Also, now that Monster Hunter 4 is going to the 3DS, at least one very important territory is going to go buy the 3DS in droves no matter what. I don't see the appeal in those games, but they're like the Dragon Quest of this generation in Japan in terms of how widespread they're among people.


Or to put it in very simple terms: Specs alone do not make or break a system. A machine without system-selling software is worthless.

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Im so sorry but this thread is about what I think of the two. Forcing opinions? How could I force you to do anything?

It was your choice to put your time and energy on this thread.

Im tired of people saying things dont make or break something as an excuse to let things slide along as perfection.

Once again I will say that this is my view on the Vita So Far and how it crushes the 3ds.

New and exclusive software is being made as we speak other wise Sony would have died on the psp along time ago.

Not to mention the Vita is region free so it seems it might have more "exclusive" software to sell to everybody rather than keeping it in one region.

You are barley putting up an argument tackling everything you possibly can even if off topic to make yourself seem you have the top bars.


Secondly if I was traveling I could take that home console game with me, its something an HDTV cant do, one of the main reasons of portable gaming, playing portable games.

Forcing this forcing that, if my opinion isnt fact how about proving me wrong? If you cant then it certainly is fact, instead of complaining you lost in an argument.

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Yup from now on im never even gonna bother anymore with these threads, doesn't do anything better for anyone.

I just wanted to end the thread on my post above but someone had to say something, im sticking to anti flame war threads instead.

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Ugh. Just stop, please? PLEASE? This thread was doomed to begin with, so let's just stop dooming it even further and lock it, since I sense a flamewar brewing.

I kinda agree, since again, the Vita's not out yet. I mean, I prefer the games that are coming out on the Vita and I do like my PSP that I have now better than the 3DS anyway, but I prefer the old generation to the new one, anyway. And besides, everyone loves to be mean to each other about systems, and since this IS a Zelda hacking site, I'm sure what the majority of people like here. Besides, some people seem like making attempts to make me feel like an idiot because they're so self-righteous in their opinions of some media that shouldn't really matter all that much, and some of them I once would call friends, but once they see I prefer the less affordable option they take many attempts to bully me about it, so we should all just stop here. Warn me if you must, because I'm really quite tired of all the trolling people do about something like gaming. It's like art, many people think painting realistically is so much better than abstract, but it's all an opinion. There's many kinds of art, some more expensive, some more popular, some old, some new, so it really shouldn't matter that much what you like. People are being harassed just because they prefer something that's not a matter of life and death, and it's just silly. I'm washing my hands of this flamewar.


*Leaves topic*

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Oh, I'm sorry! It didn't really seem like you were trying to end it, so that's why I tried.


It won't happen ever again, kid. :D


Yes you didnt need to confirm that, and what do mean by the term "kid"? You know nothing about me so please stop with assumptions.


Thanks Tell-Tale Heart for your post *unsarcastic* but people, please stop posting in this thread.

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Hey hey, chill guys, I like a good topic of debating, but I think people are taking this so seriously that it is becoming a flame war.

And Younglink, yup, you kinda are trying to pass off your opinions as a fact, but hey, at least you admit your mistakes, you don't need to completely stop posting debate threads, as long as you mind what you're saying.

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Locking this thread due to an essential flame war and so no one can come back and say anything that might make things worse.


For a reference, this thread probably wouldn't have devolved into what it did if it had been titled "What do you think of the Sony Vita versus the 3DS?" and was tiered toward others' opinions instead of just the thread author's. Unless you're doing a semi-professional review (which wouldn't have been appropriate either because this thing isn't out yet), something like this where the intention is just to express one's own opinion probably belongs in a blog.

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