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Original Zelda Remade In OoT Engine?


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Hey guys I thouhgt it would be an interesting idea if someone were to attempt to recreate the original Zedla for NES into OoT.

Now I do understand it would be a massive undertaking (if at all possible) it would require new 3D models, textures, animations and a metric fuck ton of work (scuse the language)

I would look into doing it myself but I have never worked on a OoT hack before so I have no experience, (though I would be happy to learn.) also I only have a very basic understanding of 3D modeling.

I dunno I just thought it would be an interesting idea, I would have no objection to attempting this myself from the ground up. (Having no life)

What are your thoughts on the idea of remaking the original? I'm not saying I will be able to undertake this task but I might try it after I see if anyone thinks its a good idea.

(Also I know having no knowledge or experience of hack Zelda OoT would make this like 503458234 times harder, but meh I have nothing better to do)

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I want to do it myself (hopefully with a lot of help)

But I keep failing to find the necessary tutorials on injecting new models inserting large amounts of custom code, inserting new animations. I really wish someone had gone to the trouble of writing a complete Zelda hacking guide

Then again I could just be a dumb ass and unable to find anything (Other than the amazing tuts done here on the gcn)

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If you want there be a Z1 remake with the OoT engine entirely, then just hope that someone is able to leak the source code for the game from Ninty HQ, though that's pretty much not possible. Or if it's a mod you want, then using that wiki, it wouldn't be too hard learning a few things but when it comes to cutscenes and stuff like that....

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If you want there be a Z1 remake with the OoT engine entirely, then just hope that someone is able to leak the source code for the game from Ninty HQ, though that's pretty much not possible. Or if it's a mod you want, then using that wiki, it wouldn't be too hard learning a few things but when it comes to cutscenes and stuff like that....


Just a mod I am going to use mostly Oot based animations and textures later on down the track I might do some custom textures and a few other bits and bobs

First thing I want to do is try and work out how I am going to do the landscaping. The original Zelda as I am sure you know used squares, but I have a lot more space to work with so its kinda just a debate on how much space I am going to use for each individual cell. (What sections get a cell what sections get included into a bigger cell)

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Apparently now we have to post the entire link to show a video.


If you just google the link it comes up was not to much of a hassle





4 years ago, in the heyday of ZSO...


Thats kinda what I was leaning towards but not sure about the size or having that many doors

Making it to big and having little enemy's makes it seem in my humble opinion to much effort (on the players part) for to little of a challenge

I was thinking maybe making the enemy's harder to kill or adding more of them


If I am to bring it to the Zelda OoT engine then some things have to change, the layout of the field and dungeons will stay the same. In the original it was a lot harder and more annoying to kill things and I think that in OoT it became easier to kill things and such, but that fits into the game so that it is still a challenge

I know I am making it hard to understand my point but I am sure you understand

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