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What would you do if Skyward Sword was canceled.


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I guess we'll just not be buying Skyward Sword, though such a decision probably wouldn't do too well for Nintendo's stocks (which, might I add, dropped 10% directly after they announced the name of the Wii U). Considering there's a good chance several people have pre-ordered it, to, I imagine there'd be a rather severe backlash from those who would now have wasted their money.

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Im curious to know a persons reaction if SS was canceled.

I would throw my N3DS and Wii in a bomb fire and would never buy a Nintendo product again for a long time.

What would you do?


I sure as hell wouldn't waist hundreds of dollars in a fire. That's just a dumb thing to do, sorry.


This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?

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Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Skyward Sword, but if they cancelled it, I'd be a bit bummed but it wouldn't bother me that much to get rid of my wii or 3DS, I love my consoles, especially my wii since I hacked it. >____>

I also love my 3DS for OOT 3D, Starfox 3D and all the other great games coming out for the 3DS not to mention the awesome VC software already out.

If you want to burn, sell, toss your consoles off a building, feel free to man, but to me that would just be a waste of good hardware.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Skyward Sword, but if they cancelled it, I'd be a bit bummed but it wouldn't bother me that much to get rid of my wii or 3DS, I love my consoles, especially my wii since I hacked it. >____>

I also love my 3DS for OOT 3D, Starfox 3D and all the other great games coming out for the 3DS not to mention the awesome VC software already out.

If you want to burn, sell, toss your consoles off a building, feel free to man, but to me that would just be a waste of good hardware.


Thanks but one of the reasons I still have my Wii is for Skyward Sword, so I wouldn't want to waste my money if it just sat their with more dust, than the dust it has now.

I would sell my 3DS and get better hardware since I wouldn't want to support Nintendo anymore, if they just cancel their good games.

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